import math
import warnings
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
from matplotlib import cm
from ..core.spectral_image import round_scientific, trunc
def plot_heatmap(image, data, dpi=200, title=None, xlabel=r"$\rm{[nm]\;}$", ylabel=r"$\rm{[nm]\;}$", cmap='coolwarm',
discrete_colormap=False, sig_cbar=3, color_bin_size=None, sig_ticks=2, npix_xtick=10, npix_ytick=10,
scale_ticks=1, tick_int=False, save_as=False, **kwargs):
Plots a heatmap for given data input.
image : SpectralImage
:py:meth:`spectral_image.SpectralImage <EELSFitter.core.spectral_image.SpectralImage>` object
data : numpy.ndarray, shape=(M,N)
Input data for heatmap, but be 2D.
dpi : int, optional
Set the dpi of the heatmap. The default is 100
title : str, optional
Set the title of the heatmap. The default is None.
xlabel : str, optional
Set the label of the x-axis. Nanometer ([nm]) is assumed as standard scale. The default is '[nm]'.
ylabel : str, optional
Set the label of the y-axis. Nanometer ([nm]) is assumed as standard scale. The default is '[nm]'.
cmap : str, optional
Set the colormap of the heatmap. The default is 'coolwarm'.
discrete_colormap : bool, optional
Enables the heatmap values to be discretised. Best used in conjuction with color_bin_size. The default is False.
sig_cbar : int, optional
Set the amount of significant numbers displayed in the colorbar. The default is 3.
color_bin_size : float, optional
Set the size of the bins used for discretisation. Best used in conjuction discrete_colormap. The default is None.
sig_ticks : int, optional
Set the amount of significant numbers displayed in the ticks. The default is 2.
npix_xtick : float, optional
Display a tick per n pixels in the x-axis. Note that this value can be a float. The default is 10.
npix_ytick : float, optional
Display a tick per n pixels in the y-axis. Note that this value can be a float. The default is 10.
scale_ticks : float, optional
Change the scaling of the numbers displayed in the ticks. Nanometer ([nm]) is assumed as standard scale adjust scaling from there. The default is 1.
tick_int : bool, optional
Set whether you only want the ticks to display as integers instead of floats. The default is False.
save_as : str, optional
Set the location and name for the heatmap to be saved to. The default is False.
**kwargs : dictionary
Additional keyword arguments.
fig: Seaborn.figure.Figure
fig = plt.figure(dpi=dpi)
if title is None:
if is not None:
if 'mask' in kwargs:
mask = kwargs['mask']
if mask.all():
warnings.warn("Mask all True: no values to plot.")
mask = np.zeros(data.shape).astype('bool')
# Create the discretization using the given discretized data
if discrete_colormap:
unique_data_points = np.unique(data[~mask])
if 'vmax' in kwargs:
if len(unique_data_points[unique_data_points > kwargs['vmax']]) > 0:
unique_data_points = unique_data_points[unique_data_points <= kwargs['vmax']]
if 'vmin' in kwargs:
if len(unique_data_points[unique_data_points < kwargs['vmin']]) > 0:
unique_data_points = unique_data_points[unique_data_points >= kwargs['vmin']]
if color_bin_size is None:
if len(unique_data_points) == 1:
color_bin_size = 1
color_bin_size = np.nanpercentile(unique_data_points[1:] - unique_data_points[:-1], 30)
n_colors = round((np.nanmax(unique_data_points) - np.nanmin(unique_data_points)) / color_bin_size + 1)
cmap = cm.get_cmap(cmap, n_colors)
spacing = color_bin_size / 2
kwargs['vmax'] = np.max(unique_data_points) + spacing
kwargs['vmin'] = np.min(unique_data_points) - spacing
# Creat the heatmap
if image.pixel_size is not None:
ax = sns.heatmap(data, cmap=cmap, square=True, **kwargs)
xticks, yticks, xticks_labels, yticks_labels = get_ticks(image, sig_ticks, npix_xtick,
npix_ytick, scale_ticks, tick_int)
ax.set_xticklabels(xticks_labels, rotation=0)
ax = sns.heatmap(data, **kwargs)
# Create the discretized colorbar from the discretized data
colorbar = ax.collections[0].colorbar
if discrete_colormap:
if data.dtype == int:
cbar_ticks_labels = []
for tick in unique_data_points:
if tick >= 1:
cbar_ticks_labels.append(round_scientific(tick, sig_cbar + len(str(abs(int(math.floor(tick)))))))
cbar_ticks_labels.append(round_scientific(tick, sig_cbar))
# Adds equal or greater than symbol to max color value
if 'vmax' in kwargs:
if np.nanmax(data[~mask]) > kwargs['vmax']:
cbar_ticks =
loc = -1
if discrete_colormap:
loc = np.max(np.argwhere( <= kwargs['vmax'] - spacing))
cbar_ticks[loc] = r'$\geq$' + cbar_ticks[loc].get_text()
# Adds equal or less than symbol to min color value
if 'vmin' in kwargs:
if np.nanmin(data[~mask]) < kwargs['vmin']:
cbar_ticks =
loc = 0
if discrete_colormap:
loc = np.min(np.argwhere( >= kwargs['vmin'] + spacing))
cbar_ticks[loc] = r'$\leq$' + cbar_ticks[loc].get_text()
if save_as:
if type(save_as) != str:
if is not None:
save_as =
if 'mask' in kwargs:
save_as += '_masked'
save_as += '.pdf'
plt.savefig(save_as, bbox_inches='tight')
return fig
def get_ticks(image, sig_ticks=2, npix_xtick=10, npix_ytick=10, scale_ticks=1, tick_int=False):
Sets the proper tick labels and tick positions for the heatmap plots.
sig_ticks : int, optional
Set the amount of significant numbers displayed in the ticks. The default is 2.
npix_xtick : float, optional
Display a tick per n pixels in the x-axis. Note that this value can be a float. The default is 10.
npix_ytick : float, optional
Display a tick per n pixels in the y-axis. Note that this value can be a float. The default is 10.
scale_ticks : float, optional
Change the scaling of the numbers displayed in the ticks. Microns ([\u03BCm]) are assumed as standard scale, adjust scaling from there. The default is 1.
tick_int : bool, optional
Set whether you only want the ticks to display as integers instead of floats. The default is False.
xticks : numpy.ndarray, shape=(M,)
Array of the xticks positions.
yticks : numpy.ndarray, shape=(M,)
Array of the yticks positions.
xticks_labels : numpy.ndarray, shape=(M,)
Array with strings of the xtick labels.
yticks_labels : numpy.ndarray, shape=(M,)
Array with strings of the ytick labels.
xticks = np.arange(0, image.x_axis.shape[0], npix_xtick)
yticks = np.arange(0, image.y_axis.shape[0], npix_ytick)
if tick_int == True:
xticks_labels = (xticks * round_scientific(image.pixel_size[1] * scale_ticks, sig_ticks)).astype(int)
yticks_labels = (yticks * round_scientific(image.pixel_size[0] * scale_ticks, sig_ticks)).astype(int)
xticks_labels = trunc(xticks * round_scientific(image.pixel_size[1] * scale_ticks, sig_ticks), sig_ticks)
yticks_labels = trunc(yticks * round_scientific(image.pixel_size[0] * scale_ticks, sig_ticks), sig_ticks)
return xticks, yticks, xticks_labels, yticks_labels