Source code for ml4eft.core.truth.tt_prod

"""Module containing the analytical cross-sections top-quark pair production (parton level) in the SMEFT"""

from __future__ import division
import numpy as np
import matplotlib
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import rc
from scipy.integrate import quad, dblquad
from scipy import integrate
import pylhe

    import lhapdf

    p = lhapdf.mkPDF("NNPDF31_lo_as_0118", 0)
except ImportError:
    print("lhapdf not found: exact models will not be available")

mt = 0.17276
s = 14 ** 2
Gf = 0.000011663787
v = 1 / np.sqrt(Gf * np.sqrt(2)) * 10 ** -3
asQCD = 0.1179
LambdaSMEFT = 1
pb_convert = 3.894E2
yt = 1

# matplotlib.use('PDF')
rc('font', **{'family': 'sans-serif', 'sans-serif': ['Helvetica'], 'size': 22})
rc('text', usetex=True)

[docs]class crossSectionSMEFT: """ Class containing the analytical differential cross-sections in the SMEFT """
[docs] def sigma_part_gg(self, hats, ctGRe, cut, order): """ Gluon initiated contribution to the partonic cross-section of :math:`t\\bar{t}`-production Parameters ---------- hats: float partonic center of mass energy squared ctGRe: float EFT parameter :math:`c_{tG}` cut: float EFT parameter :math:`c_{ut}` order: str Order of the EFT expansion, choose between 'lin' and 'quad', or leave `None` for just the SM Returns ------- float Partonic cross-section """ if np.sqrt(hats) == 2 * mt: return 0 sqrt = np.sqrt(1 - 4 * mt ** 2 / hats) kappa_11 = ((v ** 2 * yt ** 2 * asQCD) / (24 * LambdaSMEFT ** 4 * hats ** 3)) * ( 6 * np.sqrt(hats ** 5 * (hats - 4 * mt ** 2)) + hats * mt ** 2 * ( -3 * np.sqrt(hats * (hats - 4 * mt ** 2)) - 8 * hats * np.log(1 - sqrt) + 8 * hats * np.log(sqrt + 1))) kappa_1 = (np.sqrt(np.pi) * v * yt * mt * asQCD) / (6 * LambdaSMEFT ** 2 * hats ** 2 * np.sqrt(2)) * ( 9 * np.sqrt(hats * asQCD * (hats - 4 * mt ** 2)) + 8 * hats * np.sqrt(asQCD) * ( np.log(1 - np.sqrt(1 - 4 * mt ** 2 / hats)) - np.log(np.sqrt(1 - 4 * mt ** 2 / hats) + 1))) sm = (-np.pi * asQCD ** 2) / (12 * hats ** 3) * ( 4 * mt ** 4 * (np.log(1 - sqrt) - np.log(sqrt + 1)) + mt ** 2 * ( 31 * np.sqrt(hats * (hats - 4 * mt ** 2)) + 16 * hats * np.log(1 - sqrt) - 16 * hats * np.log( sqrt + 1)) + hats * (7 * np.sqrt(hats * (hats - 4 * mt ** 2)) + 4 * hats * np.log( 1 - sqrt) - 4 * hats * np.log(sqrt + 1))) if order is None: return sm elif order == 'lin': return sm + ctGRe * kappa_1 elif order == 'quad': return sm + ctGRe ** 2 * kappa_11
[docs] def sigma_part_qq(self, hats, cuGRe, ctu8, order): """ Quark-quark initiated contribution to the partonic cross-section of :math:`t\\bar{t}`-production Parameters ---------- hats: float partonic center of mass energy squared ctGRe: float EFT parameter :math:`c_{tG}` cut: float EFT parameter :math:`c_{ut}` order: str Order of the EFT expansion, choose between 'lin' and 'quad', or leave `None` for just the SM Returns ------- float Partonic cross-section """ if np.sqrt(hats) == 2 * mt: return 0 sqrt = np.sqrt(1 - 4 * mt ** 2 / hats) kappa_11 = sqrt * (8 * np.pi * v ** 2 * yt ** 2 * asQCD * (8 * mt ** 2 + hats)) / ( 108 * np.pi * LambdaSMEFT ** 4 * hats) # kappa_22 = (2.0 / 9.0) * sqrt * (hats - mt ** 2) / (48 * np.pi * LambdaSMEFT ** 4) # kappa_22 = sqrt * (hats - mt ** 2) / (48 * np.pi * LambdaSMEFT ** 4) kappa_22 = (2.0 / 9.0) * (hats * sqrt - mt ** 2 * sqrt) / (12 * 4 * np.pi * LambdaSMEFT ** 4) kappa_1 = - (8 * np.sqrt(2 * np.pi) * v * mt * asQCD ** (3 / 2) * sqrt) / (9 * hats * LambdaSMEFT ** 2) kappa_2 = asQCD * sqrt * (2 * mt ** 2 + hats) / (27 * hats * LambdaSMEFT ** 2) sm = (8 * np.pi * asQCD ** 2 * (2 * mt ** 2 + hats) * sqrt) / (27 * hats ** 2) if order is None: return sm elif order == 'lin': return sm + cuGRe * kappa_1 + ctu8 * kappa_2 elif order == 'quad': return sm + cuGRe ** 2 * kappa_11 + ctu8 ** 2 * kappa_22
# return kappa_22 # return sm + ctu8 ** 2 * kappa_22
[docs] def dsigma_part_qq_dpt(self, hats, pt, ctGRe, cut, order): """ Quark-quark initiated contribution to the partonic cross-section of :math:`t\\bar{t}`-production, keeping info about the scattering angle Parameters ---------- hats: float partonic center of mass energy squared ctGRe: float EFT parameter :math:`c_{tG}` cut: float EFT parameter :math:`c_{ut}` order: str Order of the EFT expansion, choose between 'lin' and 'quad', or leave `None` for just the SM Returns ------- float Partonic differential cross-section in :math:`p_T^t` """ # minimum energy required to generate an event with transverse momentum ptv s_min = 4 * mt ** 2 + 4 * pt ** 2 if hats < s_min: return 0 S = hats pi = np.sqrt(S) / 2 pf2 = (S - 4 * mt ** 2) / 4 pf = np.sqrt(pf2) def me_sq(theta): U = mt ** 2 - 2 * pi * (np.sqrt(mt ** 2 + pf2) - pf * np.cos(theta)) T = 2 * mt ** 2 - S - U me_sq_sm = 64 * asQCD ** 2 * np.pi ** 2 * (2 * mt ** 4 + T ** 2 + 2 * mt ** 2 * (S - T - U) + U ** 2) / ( 9 * S ** 2) me_sq_kappa_1 = - (128 * np.sqrt(2) * asQCD ** (3 / 2) * mt * np.pi ** (3 / 2) * ( 2 * mt ** 2 * (S - T - U) + (T + U) ** 2) * v) / (9 * S ** 2) me_sq_kappa_11 = (64 * asQCD * np.pi * ( 4 * mt ** 2 * S * U - S * U * (S + U) + 2 * mt ** 2 * (T + U) * (T + 2 * U) + mt ** 4 * ( 3 * S - 4 * (T + 2 * U))) * v ** 2) / (9 * S ** 2) me_sq_kappa_22 = (U - mt ** 2) ** 2 if order is None: me_sq = me_sq_sm elif order == 'lin': me_sq = me_sq_sm + ctGRe * me_sq_kappa_1 elif order == 'quad': me_sq = me_sq_sm + ctGRe ** 2 * me_sq_kappa_11 + cut ** 2 * me_sq_kappa_22 return me_sq theta = np.arcsin(pt / pf) me_sq_theta = me_sq(theta) me_sq_pi_theta = me_sq(np.pi - theta) dsigma_dpT_1 = 2 * np.pi * np.tan(theta) * me_sq_theta / (64 * np.pi ** 2 * S * pi) dsigma_dpT_2 = 2 * np.pi * np.abs(np.tan(theta)) * me_sq_pi_theta / (64 * np.pi ** 2 * S * pi) return dsigma_dpT_1 + dsigma_dpT_2
xsec = crossSectionSMEFT()
[docs]def weight(sqrts, mu, x1, x2, c, order): """ Convolution of the partonic-cross section with the PDFs Parameters ---------- sqrts: float partonic center of mass energy mu: float Factorization scale x1: float Momentum fraction carried by parton 1 x2: float Momentum fraction carried by parton 2 c: array_like EFT parameters :math:`c_{tG}` and :math:`c_{ut}` order: str Order of the EFT expansion, choose between 'lin' and 'quad', or leave `None` for just the SM Returns ------- float Partonic cross-section convoluted with the PDFs """ ctGRe, cut = c hats = sqrts ** 2 w_e = (xsec.sigma_part_gg(hats, ctGRe, cut, order)) * (p.xfxQ(21, x1, mu) * p.xfxQ(21, x2, mu)) w_e += (xsec.sigma_part_qq(hats, ctGRe, 0, order)) * ( p.xfxQ(1, x1, mu) * p.xfxQ(-1, x2, mu) + p.xfxQ(1, x2, mu) * p.xfxQ(-1, x1, mu) + p.xfxQ(3, x1, mu) * p.xfxQ(-3, x2, mu) + p.xfxQ(3, x2, mu) * p.xfxQ(-3, x1, mu) + p.xfxQ(5, x1, mu) * p.xfxQ(-5, x2, mu) + p.xfxQ(5, x2, mu) * p.xfxQ(-5, x1, mu) ) w_e += (xsec.sigma_part_qq(hats, ctGRe, cut, order)) * ( p.xfxQ(2, x1, mu) * p.xfxQ(-2, x2, mu) + p.xfxQ(2, x2, mu) * p.xfxQ(-2, x1, mu) + p.xfxQ(4, x1, mu) * p.xfxQ(-4, x2, mu) + p.xfxQ(4, x2, mu) * p.xfxQ(-4, x1, mu) ) return w_e
[docs]def weight_pt(sqrts, pt, mu, x1, x2, c, order): """ Convolution of the partonic-cross section with the PDFs, keeping info about the scattering angle Parameters ---------- sqrts: float partonic center of mass energy pt: float Transverse momentum of the top mu: float Factorization scale x1: float Momentum fraction carried by parton 1 x2: float Momentum fraction carried by parton 2 c: array_like EFT parameters :math:`c_{tG}` and :math:`c_{ut}` order: str Order of the EFT expansion, choose between 'lin' and 'quad', or leave `None` for just the SM Returns ------- float Partonic cross-section convoluted with the PDFs """ ctGRe, cut = c hats = sqrts ** 2 flavor_up = [2, 4] flavor_down = [1, 3, 5] pdfs_up = np.sum( [p.xfxQ(pid, x1, mu) * p.xfxQ(-pid, x2, mu) + p.xfxQ(-pid, x1, mu) * p.xfxQ(pid, x2, mu) for pid in flavor_up]) pdfs_down = np.sum( [p.xfxQ(pid, x1, mu) * p.xfxQ(-pid, x2, mu) + p.xfxQ(-pid, x1, mu) * p.xfxQ(pid, x2, mu) for pid in flavor_down]) w_e = xsec.dsigma_part_gg_dpt(hats, pt, ctGRe, cut, order) * (p.xfxQ(21, x1, mu) * p.xfxQ(21, x2, mu)) w_e += (xsec.dsigma_part_qq_dpt(hats, pt, ctGRe, cut, order)) * pdfs_up w_e += (xsec.dsigma_part_qq_dpt(hats, pt, ctGRe, 0, order)) * pdfs_down return w_e
v_weight = np.vectorize(weight, otypes=[np.float]) v_weight.excluded.add(4) v_weight_pt = np.vectorize(weight_pt, otypes=[np.float]) v_weight_pt.excluded.add(5)
[docs]def dsigma_dmtt_dy(y, mtt, c=None, order=None): """ Returns the double differential cross-section in :math:`Y, m_{t\\bar{t}}`. Units are :math:`pb^{-1}` Parameters ---------- y: float Rapidity of the top-quark pair mtt: float Invariant mass of the top-quark pair in TeV c: array_like, optional EFT parameters :math:`c_{tG}` and :math:`c_{ut}`. Set to zero (SM) by default. order: str, optinal Order of the EFT expansion, choose between 'lin' and 'quad', or leave `None` for just the SM Returns ------- float Double differential cross-section in :math:`Y, m_{t\\bar{t}}` """ if c is None: c = np.zeros(2) if mtt == 2 * mt: return 0 # if at threshold return zero if np.abs(y) < np.log(np.sqrt(s) / mtt): # check whether x = {mtt, y} falls inside the physically allowed region x1 = mtt / np.sqrt(s) * np.exp(y) x2 = mtt / np.sqrt(s) * np.exp(-y) dsigma_dmtt_dy = 2 * mtt / s * v_weight(mtt, 91.188, x1, x2, c, order) / (x1 * x2) return pb_convert * dsigma_dmtt_dy else: return 0
dsigma_dmtt_dy_vec = np.vectorize(dsigma_dmtt_dy, otypes=[np.float]) dsigma_dmtt_dy_vec.excluded.add(2)
[docs]def dsigma_dmtt(mtt, c=None, order=None): """ Returns the single differential cross-section in :math:`m_{t\\bar{t}}`. Units are :math:`pb^{-1}` Parameters ---------- mtt: float Invariant mass of the top-quark pair in TeV c: array_like, optional EFT parameters :math:`c_{tG}` and :math:`c_{ut}`. Set to zero (SM) by default. order: str, optinal Order of the EFT expansion, choose between 'lin' and 'quad', or leave `None` for just the SM Returns ------- float Single differential cross-section in :math:`m_{t\\bar{t}}` """ y_min, y_max = -0.5 * np.log(s / mtt), 0.5 * np.log(s / mtt) dsigma_dmtt = integrate.fixed_quad(dsigma_dmtt_dy_vec, y_min, y_max, args=(mtt, c, order), n=100)[0] return dsigma_dmtt