Source code for ml4eft.core.classifier

""" Binary classifier module


# !/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf-8
import logging
import torch
import as data
import torch.optim as optim
import numpy as np
import datetime
import json
import os
import time
import pandas as pd
from joblib import dump, load

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import rc
from torch import nn
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
import shutil
import ml4eft.analyse.analyse as analyse
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler, RobustScaler, QuantileTransformer
import joblib
import sys

rc('font', **{'family': 'sans-serif', 'sans-serif': ['Helvetica']})
rc('text', usetex=True)

[docs]class MLP(nn.Module): """ Multi Layer Perceptron that serves as building block for the binary classifier """
[docs] def __init__(self, architecture): """ Parameters ---------- architecture: array_like ``(N, ) ndarray`` that specifies the MLP's architecture as the number of input nodes followed by the number of hidden nodes in each consecutive hidden layer. The last entry must corespond to the number of output units. """ super().__init__() input_size = architecture[0] hidden_sizes = architecture[1:-1] output_size = architecture[-1] # Create the network based on the specified hidden sizes layers = [] layer_sizes = [input_size] + hidden_sizes for layer_index in range(1, len(layer_sizes)): layers += [nn.Linear(layer_sizes[layer_index - 1], layer_sizes[layer_index]), nn.ReLU()] layers += [nn.Linear(layer_sizes[-1], output_size)] self.layers = nn.Sequential( *layers)
[docs] def forward(self, x): """ Performs a forward pass of the MLP Parameters ---------- x: array_like Input ``(N, ) torch.Tensor`` with ``N`` the number of input nodes Returns ------- out: torch.Tensor """ out = self.layers(x) return out
[docs]class CustomActivationFunction(nn.Module): """ Class to construct custom activation functions """
[docs] def __init__(self): super().__init__() = self.__class__.__name__ self.config = {"name":}
[docs]class ConstraintActivation(CustomActivationFunction): """Class to transform the classifier output to ensure a positive likelihood ratio """
[docs] def __init__(self, c): """ Parameters ---------- c: float Traning parameter :math:`c^{(\mathrm{tr})}` at which the EFT data set is generated """ super().__init__() self.c = c
def forward(self, x): if self.c > 0: return torch.relu(x) - 1 / self.c + 1e-6 else: return - torch.relu(x) - 1 / self.c - 1e-6
[docs]class Classifier(nn.Module): """ The decssion function :math:`g(x, c)` Implementation of the decision boundary `g(x, c)` """
[docs] def __init__(self, architecture, c): super().__init__() self.c = c self.n_alpha = MLP(architecture) self.n_alpha.layers.add_module('constraint', ConstraintActivation(self.c))
[docs] def forward(self, x): """ Parameters ---------- x: array_like Input ``(N, ) torch.Tensor`` with ``N`` the number of input nodes Returns ------- g: Torch.Tensor decision boundary between two """ NN_out = self.n_alpha(x) g = 1 / (1 + (1 + self.c * NN_out)) return g
[docs]class PreProcessing(): """ A feature preprocessor and data loader """
[docs] def __init__(self, fitter, path): """ Parameters ---------- fitter: :py:class:`Fitter <ml4eft.core.classifier.Fitter>` Fitter object path: dict Dictionary with paths to the SM and EFT dataset, e.g: :code:`{'sm': <path_to_sm_dataset>, 'eft': <path_to_eft_dataset>}` """ self.path = path if fitter.scaler_type == 'robust': self.scaler = RobustScaler(quantile_range=(5, 95)) elif fitter.scaler_type == 'standardise': self.scaler = StandardScaler() else: self.scaler = QuantileTransformer(n_quantiles=1000, output_distribution='normal') self.load_data(fitter)
[docs] def load_data(self, fitter): """ Loads ``pandas.DataFrame`` into SM and EFT dataframes. """ # sm df_sm_full = pd.read_pickle(self.path['sm'], compression="infer") df_sm_wo_xsec = df_sm_full.iloc[1:, :] # cross section before cuts self.xsec_sm = df_sm_full.iloc[0, 0] self.df_sm = df_sm_wo_xsec.sample(fitter.n_dat) # eft df_eft_full = pd.read_pickle(self.path['eft'], compression="infer") df_eft_wo_xsec = df_eft_full.iloc[1:, :] # cross section before cuts self.xsec_eft = df_eft_full.iloc[0, 0] self.df_eft = df_eft_wo_xsec.sample(fitter.n_dat)
[docs] def feature_scaling(self, fitter, scaler_path): """ Parameters ---------- fitter: :py:class:`Fitter <ml4eft.core.classifier.Fitter>` Fitter object scaler_path: string Path to where preprocessing scaler must be saved Returns ------- df_sm_scaled : pandas.DataFrame Rescaled SM events df_eft_scaled : pandas.DataFrame Rescaled EFT events """ df = pd.concat([self.df_sm, self.df_eft]) # fit the scaler transformer to the eft and sm features[fitter.features]) # rescale the sm and eft data features_sm_scaled = self.scaler.transform(self.df_sm[fitter.features]) features_eft_scaled = self.scaler.transform(self.df_eft[fitter.features]) # convert transformed features to dataframe df_sm_scaled = pd.DataFrame(features_sm_scaled, columns=fitter.features) df_eft_scaled = pd.DataFrame(features_eft_scaled, columns=fitter.features) # save the scaler joblib.dump(self.scaler, scaler_path) return df_sm_scaled, df_eft_scaled
[docs]class EventDataset(data.Dataset): """ Event loader """
[docs] def __init__(self, df, xsec, path, n_dat, features, hypothesis=0): """ EventDataset constructor Parameters ---------- df: pandas.DataFrame Event DataFrame xsec: float inclusive cross-section path: str Path to dataset n_dat: int Number of data points features: array_like List of features to train on hypothesis: int 0 for EFT and 1 for SM """ super().__init__() self.df = df self.xsec = xsec self.hypothesis = hypothesis self.features = features = None self.weights = None self.labels = None self.event_loader(path)
[docs] def event_loader(self, path): """ Set the weights of the evevnts, labels and convert the events to torch.Tensor, Parameters ---------- path: str Path to dataset """ n_dat = len(self.df) self.weights = self.xsec * torch.ones(n_dat).unsqueeze(-1) = torch.tensor(self.df[self.features].values) self.labels = torch.ones(n_dat).unsqueeze(-1) if self.hypothesis else torch.zeros(n_dat).unsqueeze(-1)"Dataset loaded from {}".format(path))
def __len__(self): return len( def __getitem__(self, idx): data_sample, weight_sample, label_sample =[idx], self.weights[idx], self.labels[idx] return data_sample, weight_sample, label_sample
[docs]class Fitter: """ Training class """
[docs] def __init__(self, json_path, mc_run, c_name, output_dir, print_log=False): """ Fitter constructor Parameters ---------- json_path: str Path to json run card mc_run: int Replica number c_name: str EFT coefficient for which to learn the ratio function output_dir: str Path to where the models should be stored print_log: bool, optional Set to true to print training progress to stdout, otherwise it prints to a log file only """ # read the json run card with open(json_path) as json_data: self.run_options = json.load(json_data) self.c_name = c_name self.process_id = self.run_options["process_id"] = self.run_options["lr"] self.n_batches = self.run_options["n_batches"] self.loss_type = self.run_options['loss_type'] self.scaler_type = self.run_options['scaler_type'] self.patience = self.run_options['patience'] self.val_ratio = self.run_options['val_ratio'] self.c_train = self.run_options["c_train"] self.n_dat = self.run_options['n_dat'] self.epochs = self.run_options['epochs'] self.features = self.run_options['features'] self.network_size = [len(self.features)] + self.run_options['hidden_sizes'] + [ self.run_options['output_size']] self.event_data_path = self.run_options['event_data'] # path to training data self.quadratic = True if '_' in self.c_name else False if self.quadratic: c1, c2 = self.c_name.split('_') self.c_train_value = self.c_train[c1] * self.c_train[c2] else: self.c_train_value = self.c_train[self.c_name] self.mc_run = mc_run output_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, time.strftime("%Y/%m/%d")) os.makedirs(output_dir, exist_ok=True) model_path = os.path.join(output_dir, 'model_{}'.format(self.c_name)) mc_path = os.path.join(model_path, 'mc_run_{}/'.format(self.mc_run)) log_path = os.path.join(mc_path, 'logs') self.path_dict = {'model': model_path, 'mc_path': mc_path, 'log_path': log_path} self.scaler = None if not os.path.exists(mc_path): os.makedirs(mc_path) os.makedirs(log_path) # initialise all paths to None, unless we run at pure quadratic or cross term level self.path_lin_1 = self.path_lin_2 = self.path_quad_1 = self.path_quad_2 = None # build the paths to the eft event data and initialize the right model if self.quadratic: self.path_dict['eft_data_path'] = '{eft_coeff}/events_{mc_run}.pkl.gz' self.model = Classifier(self.network_size, self.c_train_value) else: # linear self.path_dict['eft_data_path'] = '{eft_coeff}/events_{mc_run}.pkl.gz' self.model = Classifier(self.network_size, self.c_train_value) # create log file with timestamp t = time.localtime() current_time = time.strftime("%H_%M_%S", t) # print log to stdout when print_log is True, else only save to log file if print_log: handlers = [logging.FileHandler(log_path + '/training_{}.log'.format(current_time)), logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout) ] else: handlers = [logging.FileHandler(log_path + '/training_{}.log'.format(current_time))] logging.basicConfig( level=logging.INFO, format="%(asctime)s [%(levelname)s] %(message)s", handlers=handlers )"All directories created, ready to load the data") # load the training and validation data data_train, data_val = self.load_data() # copy run card to the appropriate folder with open(mc_path + 'run_card.json', 'w') as outfile: json.dump(self.run_options, outfile) # start the training self.train_classifier(data_train, data_val)
[docs] def load_data(self): """ Constructs training and validation sets Returns ------- data_train: array_like Training data set data_val: array_like Validation data set """ # event files are stored at event_data_path/sm, event_data_path/lin, event_data_path/quad # or event_data_path/cross for sm, linear, quadratic (single coefficient) and cross terms respectively path_sm = os.path.join(self.event_data_path, self.process_id + '_sm/events_{}.pkl.gz'.format(self.mc_run)) path_eft = os.path.join(self.event_data_path, self.process_id + '_' + self.path_dict['eft_data_path'].format(eft_coeff=self.c_name, mc_run=self.mc_run)) path_dict = {'sm': path_sm, 'eft': path_eft} # preprocessing of the data preproc = PreProcessing(self, path_dict) # save the scaler scaler_path = os.path.join(self.path_dict['mc_path'], 'scaler.gz') df_sm_scaled, df_eft_scaled = preproc.feature_scaling(self, scaler_path) self.n_dat = min(len(df_eft_scaled), len(df_sm_scaled)) # construct an eft and a sm data set for each value of c in c_values and make a list out of it data_eft = EventDataset(df_eft_scaled, xsec=preproc.xsec_eft, path=path_eft, n_dat=self.n_dat, features=self.features, hypothesis=0) data_sm = EventDataset(df_sm_scaled, xsec=preproc.xsec_sm, path=path_sm, n_dat=self.n_dat, features=self.features, hypothesis=1) data_all = [data_eft, data_sm] # split each data set in training and validation data_split = [] for dataset in data_all: n_val_points = int(self.val_ratio * len(dataset)) n_train_points = len(dataset) - n_val_points data_split.append(data.random_split(dataset, [n_train_points, n_val_points])) # collect all the training and validation sets data_train, data_val = [], [] for dataset in data_split: data_train.append(dataset[0]) data_val.append(dataset[1]) return data_train, data_val
[docs] def train_classifier(self, data_train, data_val): """ Starts the training of the binary classifier Parameters ---------- data_train: array_like Traning data set data_val: array_like Validation data set """ # define the optimizer optimizer = optim.AdamW(self.model.parameters(), # Use PyTorche's DataLoader to allow for mini-batches. After each epoch, the minibatches reshuffle. # Create a dataloader object for each eft point + sm and put them all in one big list called train_data_loader # or val_data_loader train_data_loader = [ data.DataLoader(dataset_train, batch_size=int(dataset_train.__len__() / self.n_batches), shuffle=True) for dataset_train in data_train] val_data_loader = [ data.DataLoader(dataset_val, batch_size=int(dataset_val.__len__() / self.n_batches), shuffle=False) for dataset_val in data_val] # call the training loop self.training_loop(optimizer=optimizer, train_loader=train_data_loader, val_loader=val_data_loader)
[docs] def training_loop(self, optimizer, train_loader, val_loader): """ Optimize the classifier with `optimizer` on the training data set `train_loader`. Keeps track of potential overfitting through `val_loader`. Parameters ---------- optimizer: torch.optim Optimizer, e.g. torch.optim.AdamW train_loader: array_like List of objects, one for the SM and the EFT (training) val_loader: array_like List of objects, one for the SM and the EFT (validation) """ path = self.path_dict['mc_path'] loss_list_train, loss_list_val = [], [] # stores the training loss per epoch # To be able to keep track of potential over-fitting, introduce a counter that gets increased # by one whenever the the validation loss increases during an epoch overfit_counter = 0 # outer loop that runs over the number of epochs iterations = 0 for epoch in range(1, self.epochs + 1): # check for plateau if len(loss_list_train) > 10: # if the loss after the first epoch queals the latest loss, we reset the weights if loss_list_train[1] == loss_list_train[-1]:"Detected stagnant training, reset the weights") self.model.apply(self.weight_reset) loss_train, loss_val = 0.0, 0.0 # We save the model parameters at the start of each epoch, path + 'trained_nn_{}.pt'.format(epoch)) # compute validation loss with torch.no_grad(): for minibatch in zip(*val_loader): val_loss = torch.zeros(1) for i, [event, weight, label] in enumerate(minibatch): if isinstance(self.model, Classifier): output = self.model(event.float()) loss = self.loss_fn(output, label, weight) val_loss += loss assert val_loss.requires_grad is False loss_val += val_loss.item() # loop over the mini-batches. for j, minibatch in enumerate(zip(*train_loader)): train_loss = torch.zeros(1) # loop over all the datasets within the minibatch and compute their contribution to the loss for i, [event, weight, label] in enumerate(minibatch): # i=0: eft, i=1: sm if isinstance(self.model, Classifier): output = self.model(event.float()) loss = self.loss_fn(output, label, weight) train_loss += loss # perform gradient descent after each minibatch. Move to the next epoch when all minibatches are looped over. optimizer.zero_grad() train_loss.backward() optimizer.step() loss_train += train_loss.item() loss_list_train.append(loss_train) loss_list_val.append(loss_val) training_status = "Epoch {epoch}, Training loss {train_loss}, Validation loss {val_loss}, Overfit counter = {overfit}". \ format(, epoch=epoch, train_loss=loss_train, val_loss=loss_val, overfit=overfit_counter) np.savetxt(path + 'loss.out', loss_list_train) np.savetxt(path + 'loss_val.out', loss_list_val) # in case the maximum number of epochs is reached, save the final state if epoch == self.epochs:, path + '') break # check whether the network is overfitting by increasing the overfit_counter by one if the # validation loss increases during the epoch. if epoch > 20: if loss_val > min(loss_list_val): overfit_counter += 1 else: overfit_counter = 0 if overfit_counter == self.patience: stopping_point = epoch - self.patience"Stopping point reached! Overfit counter = {}".format(overfit_counter)) shutil.copyfile(path + 'trained_nn_{}.pt'.format(stopping_point), path + '')"Backwards stopping done") break loss_val_old = loss_val iterations += 1"Finished training")
[docs] def weight_reset(self, m): """ Reset the weights and biases associated with the model ``m``. Parameters ---------- m: MLP Model of type :py:meth:`MLP <MLP>`. """ if isinstance(m, nn.Linear): m.reset_parameters()
[docs] def loss_fn(self, outputs, labels, w_e): """ Loss function Parameters ---------- outputs: torch.Tensor Output of the decision function labels: torch.Tensor Classification labels w_e: torch.Tensor Event weights Returns ------- torch.Tensor Average loss of the mini-batch """ if self.loss_type == 'CE': loss = - (1 - labels) * w_e * torch.log(1 - outputs) - labels * w_e * torch.log(outputs) elif self.loss_type == 'QC': loss = (1 - labels) * w_e * outputs ** 2 + labels * w_e * (1 - outputs) ** 2 # average over all the losses in the batch return torch.mean(loss, dim=0)