Source code for ml4eft.analyse.analyse

Post-training analysing module to load, plot and evaluates models

import matplotlib as mpl
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import rc
import numpy as np
import torch
import sys
import copy
import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec
from matplotlib import animation
from matplotlib.ticker import NullFormatter
import os, sys
import pickle
import joblib
import json
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
from scipy import integrate
import logging
import itertools

# import own pacakges
from ml4eft.core import classifier as classifier
from ml4eft.core.truth import tt_prod
from ..preproc import constants

mz =  # z boson mass [TeV]
mh =
mt =
col_s = constants.col_s

rc('font', **{'family': 'sans-serif', 'sans-serif': ['Helvetica'], 'size': 22})
rc('text', usetex=True)

[docs]class Analyse: """ Post-training analyser that loads and evaluates models """
[docs] def __init__(self, path_to_models, order='quad', all=False): """ Analyse constructor Parameters ---------- path_to_models: dict Of the form {'lin': {'c1': ``<path_to_c1_models>``, 'c2': ``<path_to_c2_models>``}, 'quad': {'c1_c1': ``<path_to_c1_c1_models>``}, {'c1_c2': ``<path_to_c1_c2_models>``}, {'c2_c2': ``<path_to_c2_c2_models>``}} order: str, default='quad' The order in the EFT expansion (choose between either 'lin' or 'quad') all: bool, default='True' When set to True, the analyser loads all replicas. Set to False by defualt, in which case the replicas are clusterd into "good" and "bad" models based on their loss value. Examples -------- Trained models can be loaded by creating an :class:`ml4eft.analyse.analyse.Analyse` object >>> analyser = Analyse(path_to_models, 'quad') Followed by constructing a model dictionary that contains all the models plus associated settings >>> analyser.build_model_dict() >>> analyser.model_df models idx scalers run_card rep_paths lin c1 [Classifier() ... [rep_idx, ...] [RobustScaler(quantile_range=(5,95)), ...] {'name': 'c1', ...} [<path_to_rep>, ...] c2 [Classifier() ... ... ... ... ... quad c1_c1 [Classifier() ... ... ... ... ... c1_c2 [Classifier() ... ... ... ... ... c2_c2 [Classifier() ... ... ... ... ... Events and the inclusive cross-section can be loaded into a DataFrame by >>> df, xsec = analyser.load_events('.../events_<rep>.pkl.gz') >>> df sqrts_hat pt_l1 pt_l2 pt_l_leading pt_l_trailing ... 1 1702.356400 20.532279 308.295118 308.295118 20.532279 ... 2 ... ... ... ... ... To evaluate the models on the loaded DataFrame ``df``, use: >>> analyser.evaluate_models(df) >>> analyser.models_evaluated_df['models'] >>> analyser.models_evaluated_df['models'] lin c1 [[0.05130317, 0.05723376, 0.058220766, 0.04042... c2 [[0.074420996, 0.10293982, 0.10705493, 0.05695... quad c1_c1 [[0.07958487, 0.13463444, 0.14215767, 0.049889... c1_c2 [[0.0005354581, 0.00042073405, 0.0004430262, -... c2_c2 [[0.00032746396, 0.00041523552, 0.00045115477,... """ self.path_to_models = path_to_models self.order = order self.model_df = None self.models_evaluated_df = None self.coeff_truth = None self.all = True
[docs] @staticmethod def get_event_paths(root_path): """ Returns a list of paths to the DataFrames at ``root_path`` Parameters ---------- root_path: str path to the DataFrame directory Returns ------- event_paths: list list of paths to the DataFrames at stored at ``root_path`` Examples -------- The paths to the event DataFrames stored at ``root_path`` can be loaded for 'n_rep' replicas by >>> analyser.get_event_paths('/training_data/tt_llvlvlbb/tt_c1') [/training_data/tt_llvlvlbb/tt_c1/events_0.pkl.gz', ... , /training_data/tt_llvlvlbb/tt_c1/events_<n_rep>.pkl.gz'] """ event_paths = [os.path.join(root_path, mc_run) for mc_run in os.listdir(root_path) if mc_run.startswith('events_')] return event_paths
[docs] @staticmethod def build_path_dict(root, order, prefix): """ Construct path to model dictionary Parameters ---------- root: str Path to the model root directory order: str Order of the EFT expansion, choose between 'lin' and 'quad' prefix: str For models: `prefix` = ``models``, for theory predictions: `prefix` = ``process_id` Returns ------- path_to_models: dict Dictionary containing the paths to the models for each EFT ratio function """ path_to_models = {} if prefix != 'model': path_to_models['sm'] = os.path.join(root, '{}_sm'.format(prefix)) path_to_models['lin'] = {} if order == 'quad': path_to_models['quad'] = {} for model_dir in os.listdir(root): if model_dir.startswith(prefix): if 'sm' in model_dir: # sm has already been added continue # linear if model_dir.count('_') == 1: path_to_models['lin'].update( {model_dir.split("{}_".format(prefix), 1)[1]: os.path.join(root, model_dir)}) if model_dir.count('_') == 2 and order == 'quad': path_to_models['quad'].update( {model_dir.split("{}_".format(prefix), 1)[1]: os.path.join(root, model_dir)}) else: continue return path_to_models
[docs] @staticmethod def posterior_loader(path): """Loads the posterior samples at ``path`` and converts it to a DataFrame Parameters ---------- path: str Location of posterior samples (.json file) Returns ------- df: pandas.DataFrame DataFrame of the posterior samples """ with open(path) as json_data: samples = json.load(json_data) df = pd.DataFrame(samples) return df
[docs] @staticmethod def load_events(event_path): """ Loads a event DataFrame and splits it into the events and the inclusive cross section Parameters ---------- event_path: str Path to the DataFrame (including the xsec as first row) Returns ------- events: pandas.DataFrame DataFrame with events xsec: float Inclusive cross-section of the events """ event_df = pd.read_pickle(event_path) events = event_df.iloc[1:, :] xsec = event_df.iloc[0, 0] return events, xsec
[docs] @staticmethod def load_loss(path_to_loss): """ Loades the losses per epoch into a list Parameters ---------- path_to_loss: str Path to loss file Returns ------- loss: list list of losses per epoch """ with open(path_to_loss) as f: loss = [float(line.rstrip()) for line in f] return loss
[docs] @staticmethod def load_run_card(path): """ Loads training run card Parameters ---------- path: str path to json model run card that stores the hyperparameter settings Returns ------- run_card: dict dict with all the hyperparameter settings """ with open(path) as json_data: run_card = json.load(json_data) run_card['architecture'] = [len(run_card['features'])] + run_card['hidden_sizes'] + [run_card['output_size']] return run_card
[docs] def filter_out_models(self, losses): """ Filter out the badly trained models based on kmeans clustering. Parameters ---------- losses: array_like Losses of all the trained models Returns ------- good_model_idx: numpy.ndarray Array indices of the 'good' models """ if self.all: return np.arange(len(losses.flatten())) else: n_clusters = 2 kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=n_clusters, random_state=0).fit(losses.reshape(-1, 1)) cluster_labels = kmeans.labels_ cluster_nr_low_loss = np.argmin(kmeans.cluster_centers_) # find model indices in the low loss cluster good_model_idx = np.argwhere(cluster_labels == cluster_nr_low_loss).flatten() # if relative std has not been reduced by a factor 10, select only models within +- 4 sigma if np.std(losses[good_model_idx]) / np.std(losses) > 0.1: sigma_loss = (np.nanpercentile(losses, 84) - np.nanpercentile(losses, 16)) / 2 los_med = np.nanpercentile(losses, 50) good_model_idx = np.argwhere( (los_med - 4 * sigma_loss < losses) & (losses < los_med + 4 * sigma_loss)).flatten() return good_model_idx
[docs] def load_models(self, model_path, rep=None, epoch=-1): """ Loads the trained models Parameters ---------- model_path: str path to model directory rep: int, optional Load only a specific replica specified by ``rep``. Load all replicas by default. epoch: int, optional Model at specific epoch to load. Set to the best model by default. Returns ------- models: array_like ``(N,) ndarray`` containing the loaded neural networks models_rep_nr: array_like ``(N,) ndarray`` containing the replica numbers of the loaded neural networks scalers: array_like ``(N,) ndarray`` containing the preprocessing scalers of the loaded neural networks run_card: dict training run card of the trained models rep_paths: array_like ``(N,) ndarray`` with the paths to the neural networks """ # collect all replica paths when no specific replica is requested if rep is None: rep_paths = [os.path.join(model_path, mc_run) for mc_run in os.listdir(model_path) if mc_run.startswith('mc_run')] else: rep_paths = [os.path.join(model_path, 'mc_run_{}'.format(rep))] losses_tr = [] # to store the final training losses losses_val = [] # to store the final validation losses models = [] scalers = [] for rep_path in rep_paths: path_to_run_card = os.path.join(rep_path, 'run_card.json') path_to_scaler = os.path.join(rep_path, 'scaler.gz') if not os.path.isfile(path_to_scaler): # if model did not get trained, jump to the next one rep_paths.remove(rep_path) continue run_card = self.load_run_card(path_to_run_card) scaler = joblib.load(path_to_scaler) model_name = os.path.basename(model_path) c_name = model_name.split('model_')[1] c_train = run_card['c_train'] quadratic = True if '_' in c_name else False if quadratic: c1, c2 = c_name.split('_') c_train_value = c_train[c1] * c_train[c2] else: c_train_value = c_train[c_name] loaded_model = classifier.Classifier(run_card['architecture'], c_train_value) # build path to model config file if epoch != -1: # if specific epoch is requested network_path = os.path.join(rep_path, 'trained_nn_{}.pt'.format(epoch)) if not os.path.isfile(network_path): network_path = os.path.join(rep_path, '') else: network_path = os.path.join(rep_path, '') # load the model loaded_model.load_state_dict(torch.load(network_path)) # read the losses path_to_loss_tr = os.path.join(rep_path, 'loss.out') path_to_loss_val = os.path.join(rep_path, 'loss_val.out') loss_tr = self.load_loss(path_to_loss_tr) loss_val = self.load_loss(path_to_loss_val) # load all the parameters into the trained network and save losses_tr.append(loss_tr[-run_card['patience']]) losses_val.append(loss_val[-run_card['patience']]) models.append(loaded_model) scalers.append(scaler) losses_tr = np.array(losses_tr) losses_val = np.array(losses_val) models = np.array(models) scalers = np.array(scalers) # filter out the badly trained models based on their training loss only if all replicas # have been included models_rep_nr = None if rep is None: good_model_idx = self.filter_out_models(losses_tr) models = models[good_model_idx] scalers = scalers[good_model_idx] # map model indices back to rep number models_rep_nr = [] for idx in good_model_idx: rep_nr = int(os.path.basename(rep_paths[idx]).split('mc_run_', 1)[1]) models_rep_nr.append(rep_nr) models_rep_nr = np.array(models_rep_nr) rep_paths = np.array(rep_paths)[good_model_idx] return models, models_rep_nr, scalers, run_card, rep_paths
[docs] def build_model_dict(self, rep=None, epoch=-1): """ Constructs a DataFrame with loaded models plus associated info Parameters ---------- rep: int, optional Replica number in case a specific replica is requested epoch: int, optional Epoch to load, set to the best model by default """ from collections import defaultdict self.model_dict = defaultdict(dict) for order, dict_fo in self.path_to_models.items(): if self.order == 'lin' and order == 'quad': # skip quadratics when running linear continue for c_name, model_path in dict_fo.items(): pretrained_models, models_idx, scalers, run_card, rep_paths = self.load_models(model_path, rep, epoch) self.model_dict[order][c_name] = {'models': pretrained_models, 'idx': models_idx, 'scalers': scalers, 'run_card': run_card, 'rep_paths': rep_paths} self.model_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict({(i, j): self.model_dict[i][j] for i in self.model_dict.keys() for j in self.model_dict[i].keys()}, orient='index')
[docs] def evaluate_models(self, df, rep=None, epoch=-1): """ Evaluates the loaded models on a Pandas DataFrame ``df`` Parameters ---------- df: pd.DataFrame input to the models rep: int, optional Replica number in case a specific replica is requested. Set to ``None`` by default in which case all available replicas are included. epoch: int, optional Epoch number to load. Set to the best model by default. """ # load models if not done already if rep is not None: self.build_model_dict(rep, epoch) if self.model_df is None: self.build_model_dict(rep, epoch) models_evaluated = copy.deepcopy(self.model_dict) for order, dict_fo in self.model_dict.items(): for c_name, dict_c in dict_fo.items(): models = dict_c['models'] for i, model in enumerate(models): features = dict_c['run_card']['features'] features_scaled = dict_c['scalers'][i].transform(df[features]) with torch.no_grad(): model_ev = model.n_alpha(torch.tensor(features_scaled).float()).numpy().flatten() models_evaluated[order][c_name]['models'][i] = model_ev models_evaluated[order][c_name]['models'] = np.vstack(models_evaluated[order][c_name]['models']) self.models_evaluated_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict({(i, j): models_evaluated[i][j] for i in models_evaluated.keys() for j in models_evaluated[i].keys()}, orient='index')
[docs] def coeff_function_truth(self, df, c_name, features, process, order): """ Evaluates the analytic EFT ratio functions :math:`r_{\sigma}^{(i)}` and :math:`r_{\sigma}^{(i,j)}` Parameters ---------- df: pandas.DataFrame Events on which to evaluate :math:`r_{\sigma}^{(i)}` and :math:`r_{\sigma}^{(i,j)}` c_name: str Name of the EFT coefficient. Choose between 'ctgre', 'cut', 'cut_cut', 'ctgre_ctgre' features: list Kinematic features, options are ``m_tt``, ``y`` process: str Supported options are 'tt' or 'ZH' order: str Order of the EFT expansion, choose between 'lin' and 'quad' Returns ------- coeff: array_like ``(N,) ndarray`` with :math:`r_{\sigma}^{(i)}` or :math:`r_{\sigma}^{(i,j)}` evaluated on ``df`` depending on the ``order`` """ if c_name == 'ctGRe' and order == 'lin': cprime = {'ctGRe': -10, 'ctu8': 0} elif c_name == 'ctu8' and order == 'lin': cprime = {'ctGRe': 0, 'ctu8': 10} elif c_name == 'ctGRe_ctGRe' and order == 'quad': cprime = {'ctGRe': 10, 'ctu8': 0} c_name = 'ctGRe' if c_name == 'ctu8_ctu8' and order == 'quad': cprime = {'ctGRe': 0, 'ctu8': 10} c_name = 'ctu8' # ratio_truth_lin = self.likelihood_ratio_truth(df, cprime, features, process, order) ratio_truth_lin = self.likelihood_ratio_truth(df, cprime, features, process, order) # compute the mask once to select the physical region in phase space mask = ratio_truth_lin == 0 if order == 'lin': # only one of the c elements can be nonzero coeff =, (ratio_truth_lin - 1) / cprime[c_name]) return coeff elif order == 'quad': # only one of the c elements can be nonzero coeff =, (ratio_truth_lin - 1) / cprime[c_name] ** 2) return coeff
[docs] def accuracy_heatmap(self, c_name, order, process, mx_cut=None, rep=None, epoch=-1, ax=None, text=None): """ Compares the NN and true EFT ratio functions and plots their ratio and pull Parameters ---------- c_name: str Name of the EFT parameter, e.g. 'ctgre' order: str Order in the EFT expansion, options are 'lin' or 'quad' process: str Specifies the process. Currently supported is 'tt' and 'ZH' mx_cut: list, optional Plot range of the invariant mass rep: int, optional Request to plot for a specific replica epoch: int, optional Request to plot for a specific epoch. ax: matplotlib.pyplot.axes, optional Axes to plot on text: str, optional Add additional text on the heatmap such as the replica number Returns ------- matplotlib.figure.Figure Heatmap of EFT ratio function `matplotlib.figure.Figure` Heatmap of associated pull Examples -------- For a single EFT coefficient :math:`c_{tG}` the likelihood ratio takes the form .. math:: r_{\sigma}(x, c_{tG}) = 1 + c_{tG} r_{\sigma}^{(c_{tG})} + c_{tG}^2 r_{\sigma}^{(c_{tG}, c_{tG})} To plot for example the accuracy of :math:`r_{\sigma}^{(c_{tG}, c_{tG})}` by plotting its ratio to the exact result, one runs >>> fig_med, fig_pull = analyser.accuracy_heatmap('ctgre_ctgre', 'quad', 'tt') >>> fig_med .. image:: ../images/heatmap_med.png >>> fig_pull .. image:: ../images/heatmap_pull.png """ s = constants.col_s ** 2 epsilon = 1e-2 if process == 'ZH': if mx_cut is None: mx_min, mx_max = mz + mh + epsilon, 3 else: mx_min, mx_max = mx_cut elif process == 'tt': if mx_cut is None: mx_min, mx_max = 2 * mt + epsilon, 3 else: mx_min, mx_max = mx_cut y_min, y_max = - np.log(np.sqrt(s) / mx_min), np.log(np.sqrt(s) / mx_min) x_spacing, y_spacing = 1e-2, 0.01 mx_span = np.arange(mx_min, mx_max, x_spacing) y_span = np.arange(y_min, y_max, y_spacing) mx_grid, y_grid = np.meshgrid(mx_span, y_span) grid = np.c_[mx_grid.ravel(), y_grid.ravel()] if process == 'ZH': df = pd.DataFrame({'y': grid[:, 1], 'm_zh': grid[:, 0]}) elif process == 'tt': df = pd.DataFrame({'y': grid[:, 1], 'm_tt': grid[:, 0]}) # models self.evaluate_models(df, rep, epoch) nn = self.models_evaluated_df.loc[order, c_name]['models'] nn = np.vstack(nn) n_models = nn.shape[0] nn = nn.reshape((n_models, *mx_grid.shape)) # truth features = df.columns.values if self.coeff_truth is None: self.coeff_truth = self.coeff_function_truth(df, c_name, features, process, order).reshape( mx_grid.shape) xlabel = r'$m_{ZH}\;\rm{[TeV]}$' if process == 'ZH' else r'$m_{t\bar{t}}\;\rm{[TeV]}$' if rep is None: # determine median, low and high CI nn_median = np.percentile(nn, 50, axis=0) nn_high = np.percentile(nn, 84, axis=0) nn_low = np.percentile(nn, 16, axis=0) nn_unc = (nn_high - nn_low) / 2 # median median_ratio = self.coeff_truth / nn_median title = r'$\rm{Unbinned\;exact/Unbinned\;ML}$' fig_1, ax_1 = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 8)) im_1 = self.plot_heatmap(ax[0], median_ratio, xlabel=xlabel, ylabel=r'$y_{t\bar{t}}$', title=title, extent=[mx_min, mx_max, y_min, y_max], cmap='seismic', bounds=[0.95, 0.96, 0.97, 0.98, 1.02, 1.03, 1.04, 1.05], text=text) # pull fig_2, ax_2 = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 8)) pull = (self.coeff_truth - nn_median) / nn_unc im_2 = self.plot_heatmap(ax[1], pull, xlabel=xlabel, ylabel=r'$y_{t\bar{t}}$', title=r'$\rm{Pull}$', extent=[mx_min, mx_max, y_min, y_max], cmap='seismic', bounds=np.linspace(-1.5, 1.5, 10), text=text) return ax[0], ax[1] else: title = r"$\mathrm{{Truth/NN}}\;(\mathrm{{rep}}\;{})$".format(rep) im = self.plot_heatmap(ax, self.coeff_truth / nn[0], xlabel=xlabel, ylabel=r'$y_{t\bar{t}}$', title=title, extent=[mx_min, mx_max, y_min, y_max], cmap='seismic', bounds=[0.95, 0.96, 0.97, 0.98, 1.02, 1.03, 1.04, 1.05], rep=rep) return im
[docs] def plot_heatmap_overview(self, c_name, order, process, mx_cut=None, reps=None, epoch=-1): """ Produces an overview of heatmaps showing in each plot the ratio between the ML model prediction and the analytical EFT ratio function :math:`r_{\sigma}^{(i)}` or :math:`r_{\sigma}^{(i, j)}` Parameters ---------- c_name: str Name of EFT coefficient order: str Order in the EFT expansion process: str Specifies the process, choose between 'tt' and 'ZH' mx_cut: float, optional Plot range of the invariant mass reps: int, optional Number of replicas to include in the heatmap overview epoch: int, optional Specific epoch to plot at, takes the best models by default Returns ------- fig: matplotlib.figure Examples -------- To produce a heatmap overview of the first 20 replicas, run >>> analyser = Analyse(path_to_models, 'quad') >>> fig = analyser.plot_heatmap_overview('ctgre_ctgre', 'quad', 'tt', cut=0.5, reps=np.arange(20)) >>> fig .. image:: ../images/heatmap_overview.png """ from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import AxesGrid rc('font', **{'family': 'sans-serif', 'sans-serif': ['Helvetica'], 'size': 50}) n_cols = 4 mc_reps = len(reps) n_rows = int(np.ceil(mc_reps / n_cols)) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10 * n_cols, 10 * n_rows)) grid = AxesGrid(fig, 111, nrows_ncols=(n_rows, n_cols), axes_pad=1.0, cbar_mode='single', cbar_location='bottom', cbar_pad=1.5, cbar_size=0.5 ) for i, rep in enumerate(reps): im = self.accuracy_heatmap(c_name, order, process, mx_cut, rep, epoch, grid[i]) grid[-1].cax.colorbar(im) grid.cbar_axes[0].colorbar(im) return fig
[docs] def likelihood_ratio_nn(self, c, df=None, epoch=-1): """ Compute the Neural Network parameterised likelihood ratio Parameters ---------- c: dict Of the form {'c1': value, 'c2': value, ...} df: pandas.DataFrame, optional In case the loaded models have not been evaluated yet, one can pass ``df`` to evaluate the neural networks epoch: int, optional Specify an epoch if necessary, takes the best model by default Returns ------- ratio: array_like likelihood ratio as ``(N,M) ndarray`` with ``N`` and ``M`` the number of replicas and events respectively """ # update evaluated models for a new df if df is not None: self.evaluate_models(df, epoch=epoch) ratio = 1 if 'lin' in self.models_evaluated_df.index: lin_models = self.models_evaluated_df['models'].loc["lin"] for c_name, c_val in c.items(): if c_name in lin_models: ratio += c_val * lin_models[c_name] if 'quad' in self.models_evaluated_df.index: quad_models = self.models_evaluated_df['models'].loc["quad"] for (c1, c2) in itertools.product(c.keys(), repeat=2): c_name = '{}_{}'.format(c1, c2) if c_name in quad_models: ratio += c[c1] * c[c2] * quad_models['{}_{}'.format(c1, c2)] ratio = np.vstack(ratio) return ratio
[docs] def decision_function_nn(self, c, df=None, epoch=-1): """ Computes the Neural Network parameterised decision function :math:`g(x, c)` Parameters ---------- df: pd.DataFrame event info c: dict EFT point epoch: int, optional Use models at a specific epoch, set to -1 (best modeL) by default Returns ------- decision_function: numpy.ndarray NN decision function """ ratio = self.likelihood_ratio_nn(c, df, epoch=epoch) decision_function = 1 / (1 + ratio) return decision_function
[docs] def point_by_point_comp_med(self, df, c, features, process, order, ax, text=None): """ Produces a point by point comparison of the log-likelihood ratio between the (median) ML model and the analytical (exact) model Parameters ---------- df: pandas.DataFrame DataFrame with events c: dict Of the form {'c1': value, 'c2': value} features: array_like List of features to include in the comparison process: str Choose between ``tt`` or ``ZH`` order: str Specifies the order in the EFT expansion. Must be one of ``lin``, ``quad``. ax: matplotlib.axes Axes object to plot on text: str Additonal text to put on the plot Examples -------- >>> analyser = Analyse(path_to_models, 'quad') >>> fig, ax = plt.subplots() >>> events_sm = pd.read_pickle('<events_sm_0.pkl.gz>') >>> analyser.point_by_point_comp_med(events_sm, {'ctgre': 2, 'cut': 0}, ['y', 'm_tt'], 'tt', 'lin') >>> fig .. image:: ../images/pbp-med.png """ r_nn = self.likelihood_ratio_nn(c, df=df) tau_nn = np.log(r_nn) r_truth = self.likelihood_ratio_truth(df, c, features, process, order) tau_truth = np.log(r_truth) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 8)) x = np.linspace(np.min(tau_truth) - 0.1, np.max(tau_truth) + 0.1, 100) ax.scatter(tau_truth, np.median(tau_nn, axis=0), s=2, color='red') ax.plot(x, x, linestyle='dashed', color='grey') ax.set_xlabel(r'$\log r(x, c)^{\rm{Unbinned}\;\rm{exact}}$') ax.set_ylabel(r'$\log r(x, c)^{\rm{Unbinned}\;\rm{ML}}$') ax.set_xlim((np.min(x), np.max(x))) ax.set_ylim((np.min(x), np.max(x))) if text is not None: ax.text(0.95, 0.1, text, horizontalalignment='right', verticalalignment='center', transform=ax.transAxes) fig.tight_layout()
[docs] def point_by_point_comp(self, df, c_name, c, features, process, order): """ Produces a point by point comparison overview per replica of the log-likelihood ratio between the ML model and the analytical (exact) model Parameters ---------- df: pandas.DataFrame DataFrame with events c_name: str name of EFT ratio function to compare, e.g. ``c1_c2`` c: dict Of the form {'c1': value, 'c2': value} features: array_like List of features to include in the comparison process: str Choose between ``tt`` or ``ZH`` order: str Specifies the order in the EFT expansion. Must be one of ``lin``, ``quad``. Examples -------- >>> analyser = Analyse(path_to_models, 'quad') >>> fig, ax = plt.subplots() >>> events_sm = pd.read_pickle('<events_sm_0.pkl.gz>') >>> analyser.point_by_point_comp(events_sm, {'ctgre': -2, 'cut': 0}, ['y', 'm_tt'], 'tt', 'lin') >>> fig .. image:: ../images/pbp_overview.png """ r_nn = self.likelihood_ratio_nn(c, df=df) tau_nn = np.log(r_nn) r_truth = self.likelihood_ratio_truth(df, c, features, process, order) tau_truth = np.log(r_truth) # overview plot for all replicas ncols = 5 mc_reps = r_nn.shape[0] nrows = int(np.ceil(mc_reps / ncols)) fig1 = plt.figure(figsize=(ncols * 4, nrows * 4)) x = np.linspace(np.min(tau_truth) - 0.1, np.max(tau_truth) + 0.1, 100) model_idx = self.model_df.loc[order, c_name]['idx'] for i in np.argsort(model_idx): ax = plt.subplot(nrows, ncols, model_idx[i] + 1) plt.scatter(tau_truth, tau_nn[i, :], s=2, color='k') plt.plot(x, x, linestyle='dashed', color='grey') plt.text(0.1, 0.9, r"$\mathrm{{rep}}\;{}$".format(model_idx[i]), horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='center', transform=ax.transAxes) plt.xlim((np.min(x), np.max(x))) plt.ylim((np.min(x), np.max(x))) plt.tight_layout() # median fig2, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 8)) x = np.linspace(np.min(tau_truth) - 0.1, np.max(tau_truth) + 0.1, 100) plt.scatter(tau_truth, np.median(tau_nn, axis=0), s=2, color='k') plt.plot(x, x, linestyle='dashed', color='grey') plt.xlabel(r'$\log r(x, c)^{\rm{Unbinned}\;\rm{exact}}$') plt.ylabel(r'$\log r(x, c)^{\rm{Unbinned}\;\rm{ML}}$') plt.xlim((np.min(x), np.max(x))) plt.ylim((np.min(x), np.max(x))) plt.tight_layout() return fig1, fig2
[docs] def plot_loss_overview(self, c_name, order, ax=None, rep=None, xlim=None): """ Plots the loss evolution per replica and returns an overview plot Parameters ---------- c_name: str name of EFT parameter order: str Specifies the order in the EFT expansion. Must be one of ``lin``, ``quad``. ax: matplotlib.axes, optional Axes object to plot on rep: int, optional Specific replica to plot Returns ------- fig: matplotlib.figure Loss overview plot train_loss_best: array_like List of 'best' training losses Examples -------- To plot a loss overview corresponding to the training of :math:`r_{\sigma}^{(c_{tG}, c_{tG})}`, run >>> analyser = Analyse(path_to_models, 'quad') >>> fig, train_losses = analyser.plot_loss_overview('ctgre_ctgre', 'quad') >>> fig .. image:: ../images/loss_overview.png """ if self.model_df is None: self.build_model_dict() rep_paths = self.model_df['rep_paths'][order][c_name] loss_tr = [] loss_val = [] mc_reps = len(rep_paths) ncols = 5 nrows = int(np.ceil(mc_reps / ncols)) patience = self.model_df.loc[order, c_name]['run_card']['patience'] model_idx = self.model_df.loc[order, c_name]['idx'] for rep_path in rep_paths: path_to_loss_tr = os.path.join(rep_path, 'loss.out') loss_tr.append(self.load_loss(path_to_loss_tr)) path_to_loss_val = os.path.join(rep_path, 'loss_val.out') loss_val.append(self.load_loss(path_to_loss_val)) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(ncols * 4, nrows * 4)) train_loss_best = np.array([loss[-patience] for loss in loss_tr]) val_loss_best = np.array([loss[-patience] for loss in loss_val]) for i in np.argsort(model_idx): if rep is not None: if model_idx[i] != rep: continue else: ax = plt.subplot(nrows, ncols, model_idx[i] + 1) epochs = np.arange(len(loss_tr[i])) label_val = r'$L_{\mathrm{val}}$' if model_idx[i] == 0 else None label_train = r'$L_{\mathrm{tr}}$' if model_idx[i] == 0 else None loss_train_rep = np.array(loss_tr[i]) loss_val_rep = np.array(loss_val[i]) if xlim is None: ax.set_xlim(left=50) ax.set_ylim(min(loss_train_rep[-1], loss_val_rep[-1]) - 0.2 * max(loss_sigma_val, loss_sigma_tr), max(loss_train_rep[-1], loss_val_rep[-1]) + 0.8 * max(loss_sigma_val, loss_sigma_tr)) ax.plot(epochs, loss_train_rep, label=label_train) ax.plot(epochs, loss_val_rep, label=label_val) else: ax.plot(epochs[xlim:], loss_train_rep[xlim:], label=label_train) ax.plot(epochs[xlim:], loss_val_rep[xlim:], label=label_val) ax.axvline(epochs[-patience], 0, 0.75, color='red', linestyle='dotted') # ax.set_yscale('log') # ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(NullFormatter()) # ax.yaxis.set_minor_formatter(NullFormatter()) # ax.axes.yaxis.set_ticklabels([]) ax.set_ymargin(0.1) ax.set_xmargin(0) ax.text(0.95, 0.9, r"$\mathrm{{rep}}\;{}$".format(model_idx[i]), horizontalalignment='right', verticalalignment='center', transform=ax.transAxes) ax.set_xlabel(r'$\mathrm{Epoch}$') ax.set_ylabel(r'$\mathrm{Loss}$') med_loss_tr = np.percentile(train_loss_best, 50) low_loss_tr = np.percentile(train_loss_best, 16) high_loss_tr = np.percentile(train_loss_best, 84) loss_sigma_tr = np.abs((high_loss_tr - low_loss_tr) / 2) med_loss_val = np.percentile(val_loss_best, 50) low_loss_val = np.percentile(val_loss_best, 16) high_loss_val = np.percentile(val_loss_best, 84) loss_sigma_val = np.abs((high_loss_val - low_loss_val) / 2) # same scale (not everything visible) # ax.set_ylim(min(loss_train_rep[-1], loss_val_rep[-1]) - 0.2 * max(loss_sigma_val, loss_sigma_tr), # min(loss_train_rep[-1], loss_val_rep[-1]) + 2 * max(loss_sigma_val, loss_sigma_tr)) # everything visible (not the same scale) if xlim is None: ax.set_ylim(min(loss_train_rep[-1], loss_val_rep[-1]) - 0.2 * max(loss_sigma_val, loss_sigma_tr), max(loss_train_rep[-1], loss_val_rep[-1]) + 0.8 * max(loss_sigma_val, loss_sigma_tr)) else: y_min = np.min(np.concatenate((loss_train_rep[xlim:], loss_val_rep[xlim:]))) y_max = np.max(np.concatenate((loss_train_rep[xlim:], loss_val_rep[xlim:]))) ax.set_ylim(y_min, y_max) if model_idx[i] == 0: ax.legend(loc="lower left", frameon=False) plt.tight_layout() return fig, train_loss_best
[docs] def plot_accuracy_1d(self, c, c_name, process, order, mx_cut, epoch=-1, ax=None, text=None): """ Plots the decision boundary :math:`g(x,c)` as predicted by the ML model and the analytical (exact) model along 1 dimension, i.e :x=math:`m_{tt}` Parameters ---------- c: dict Of the form {'c1': value, 'c2': value} process: str Choose between ``tt`` or ``ZH`` order: str, optional Specifies the order in the EFT expansion. Must be one of ``lin``, ``quad``. mx_cut: list Plot range of the invariant mass epoch: int, optional Specific epoch to plot, set to the best models by default ax: matplotlib.axes, optional Plot on an already created axes object text: str, optional Additional text to show on the plot Returns ------- fig: matplotlib.figure Plot comparing the decision boundary :math:`g(x,c)` as predicted by the ML model and the analytical (exact) result Examples -------- >>> analyser = Analyse(path_to_models, 'quad') >>> fig = analyser.plot_accuracy_1d(c={'ctgre': -2, 'cut': 0}, process='tt', order='quad', cut=0.5, text=r'$c=c_{tG}=2\;\mathrm{quadratic}$') >>> fig .. image:: ../images/decission_function_1d.png """ if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 6)) else: fig = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 6)) x = np.linspace(mx_cut[0], mx_cut[1], 200) x = np.stack((np.zeros(len(x)), x), axis=-1) if process == 'tt': df = pd.DataFrame(x, columns=['y', 'm_tt']) elif process == 'ZH': df = pd.DataFrame(x, columns=['y', 'm_zh']) features = self.model_df['run_card'][order][c_name]['features'] f_ana_lin = self.decision_function_truth(df, c, df.columns.values, process, order) f_preds_nn = self.decision_function_nn(c, df, epoch=epoch) f_pred_up = np.percentile(f_preds_nn, 84, axis=0) f_pred_down = np.percentile(f_preds_nn, 16, axis=0) ax.fill_between(x[:, 1], f_pred_down, f_pred_up, label=r"$\mathrm{Unbinned}\;\mathrm{ML}\;(m_{t\bar{t}}, y_{t\bar{t}})$", alpha=0.4) ax.plot(x[:, 1], f_ana_lin, '--', c='red', label=r"$\mathrm{Unbinned}\;\mathrm{exact}\;(m_{t\bar{t}}, y_{t\bar{t}})$") ax.set_ylim((0, 1)) ax.set_xlim(np.min(x[:, 1]), np.max(x[:, 1])) ax.set_ylabel(r'$g\;(x, c)$') xlabel = r'$m_{ZH}\;\rm{[TeV]}$' if process == 'ZH' else r'$m_{t\bar{t}}\;\rm{[TeV]}$' ax.set_xlabel(xlabel) if text is not None: ax.text(0.05, 0.1, text, horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='center', transform=ax.transAxes) ax.legend(frameon=False) plt.tight_layout() return fig
[docs] @staticmethod def likelihood_ratio_truth(events, c, features, process, order=None): """ Computes the analytic likelihood ratio :math:`r(x, c)` Parameters ---------- order: str, optional Specifies the order in the EFT expansion. Must be one of ``lin``, ``quad``. process: str Choose between ``tt`` or ``ZH`` features: list List of kinematic labels events : pd.DataFrame Pandas DataFrame with the events c : dict EFT point with operator names specified as keys Returns ------- ratio: numpy.ndarray Likelihood ratio wrt the SM """ n_features = len(features) if process == 'tt': c = np.array([c['ctGRe'], c['ctu8']]) if n_features == 1: dsigma_0 = [tt_prod.dsigma_dmtt(*x[features], c, order) for _, x in events.iterrows()] # EFT dsigma_1 = [tt_prod.dsigma_dmtt(*x[features]) for _, x in events.iterrows()] # SM elif n_features == 2: dsigma_0 = [tt_prod.dsigma_dmtt_dy(*x[features], c, order) for _, x in events.iterrows()] # EFT dsigma_1 = [tt_prod.dsigma_dmtt_dy(*x[features]) for _, x in events.iterrows()] # SM elif n_features == 3: dsigma_0 = [tt_prod.dsigma_dmtt_dy_dpt(*x[features], c, order) for index, x in events.iterrows()] # EFT dsigma_1 = [tt_prod.dsigma_dmtt_dy_dpt(*x[features]) for index, x in events.iterrows()] # SM dsigma_0, dsigma_1 = np.array(dsigma_0), np.array(dsigma_1) ratio = np.divide(dsigma_0, dsigma_1, out=np.zeros_like(dsigma_0), where=dsigma_1 != 0) return ratio.flatten()
[docs] def decision_function_truth(self, events, c, features, process, order=None): """ Computes the analytic decision function Parameters ---------- order: str, optional Specifies the order in the EFT expansion. Must be one of ``lin``, ``quad``. process: str Choose between ``tt`` or ``ZH`` features: list List of kinematic labels events : pd.DataFrame Pandas DataFrame with the events c : numpy.ndarray, shape=(M,) EFT point in M dimensions, e.g c = (cHW, cHq3) Returns ------- decision_function: numpy.ndarray Truth decision function """ ratio = self.likelihood_ratio_truth(events, c, features, process, order) decision_function = 1 / (1 + ratio) return decision_function
[docs] @staticmethod def plot_heatmap(ax, data, xlabel, ylabel, title, extent, bounds, cmap='GnBu', rep=None, text=None): """ Plot and return a heatmap of ``data`` Parameters ---------- data: numpy.ndarray, shape=(M, N) Input array xlabel: str x-label ylabel: str y-label title: str title of plot extent: list boundaries of the heatmap, e.g. [x_0, x_1, y_1, y_2] bounds: list The boundaries of the discrete colourmap cmap: str colourmap to use, set to 'GnBu' by default Returns ------- fig: `matplotlib.figure.Figure` """ import matplotlib.ticker as tick # discrete colorbar cmap_copy = copy.copy( norm = mpl.colors.BoundaryNorm(bounds, cmap_copy.N, extend='both') cmap_copy.set_bad(color='gainsboro') if rep is not None: fig = ax.figure rc('font', **{'family': 'sans-serif', 'sans-serif': ['Helvetica'], 'size': 30}) else: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 8)) im = ax.imshow(data, extent=extent, origin='lower', aspect=(extent[1] - extent[0]) / (extent[3] - extent[2]) * 10 / 8, cmap=cmap_copy, norm=norm) if rep is not None: ax.text(0.95, 0.95, r"$\mathrm{{rep}}\;{}$".format(rep), horizontalalignment='right', verticalalignment='top', transform=ax.transAxes) else: cbar = fig.colorbar(, cmap=cmap_copy), ax=ax, format=tick.FormatStrFormatter(r'$%.2f$')) ax.set_title(title, fontsize=15) if text is not None: ax.text(0.95, 0.05, text, horizontalalignment='right', verticalalignment='center', transform=ax.transAxes) plt.tight_layout() ax.set_xlabel(xlabel) ax.set_ylabel(ylabel) return im