# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import pathlib
import pickle
import warnings
from copy import deepcopy
from functools import partial, wraps
import ckmutil.ckm
import jax.numpy as jnp
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import wilson
from numpy import ComplexWarning
from smefit import log
from smefit.loader import Loader
from smefit.rge.wcxf import inverse_wcxf_translate, wcxf_translate
### Patch of a CKM function, so that the CP violating
### phase is set to gamma and not computed explicitly
### See https://github.com/wilson-eft/wilson/issues/113#issuecomment-2179273979
### This needs to be done before the import of wilson
# copying so we keep the original function
ckm_tree = deepcopy(ckmutil.ckm.ckm_tree)
ckmutil.ckm.ckm_tree = partial(ckm_tree, delta_expansion_order=0)
### End of patch
##################### MONKEY PATCH
# switch off the SM - EFT mixing, since SMEFiT assumes that the
# RGE solution is linearised
# Keep a reference to the original beta function
original_beta = wilson.run.smeft.beta.beta
def beta_wrapper(C, HIGHSCALE=np.inf, *args, **kwargs):
return original_beta(C, HIGHSCALE, *args, **kwargs)
wilson.run.smeft.beta.beta = beta_wrapper
wilson.run.smeft.beta.beta_array = partial(
wilson.run.smeft.beta.beta_array, HIGHSCALE=np.inf
##################### END OF MONKEY PATCH
##################### MONKEY PATCH
# Patch smeftpar: we remove all dependence on SMEFT parameters
# in SM paramaters, otherwise the linear approximation is not valid
C_patch = {
"phi": 0.0,
"phiBox": 0.0,
"phiD": 0.0,
"phiWB": 0.0,
"phiG": 0.0,
"phiW": 0.0,
"phiB": 0.0,
"dphi": 0.0,
"uphi": 0.0,
"ephi": 0.0,
# Reference to the original smeftpar function
original_smeftpar = wilson.run.smeft.smpar.smeftpar
# Define the monkey-patched function
def patched_smeftpar(*args, **kwargs):
# check if C is passed as a keyword argument
if "C" in kwargs:
kwargs["C"] = C_patch
# otherwise, check if it is passed as a positional argument
args = list(args)
args[1] = C_patch
return original_smeftpar(*args, **kwargs)
# Apply the monkey patch
wilson.run.smeft.smpar.smeftpar = patched_smeftpar
##################### END OF MONKEY PATCH
##################### MONKEY PATCH
# Monkey patch flavour rotation
# Define the new method
def _to_wcxf_no_rotation(self, C_out, scale_out):
"""Return the Wilson coefficients `C_out` as a wcxf.WC instance, without rotation."""
# Skip the self._rotate_defaultbasis line
d = wilson.util.smeftutil.arrays2wcxf_nonred(C_out)
d = wilson.wcxf.WC.dict2values(d)
wc = wilson.wcxf.WC("SMEFT", "Warsaw", scale_out, d)
return wc
# Monkey-patch the method
wilson.run.smeft.classes.SMEFT._to_wcxf = _to_wcxf_no_rotation
##################### END OF MONKEY PATCH
# Suppress the ComplexWarning
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=ComplexWarning)
_logger = log.logging.getLogger(__name__)
# Input parameter options #
# copying so we could use the default parameters later
default_params = wilson.run.smeft.smpar.p.copy()
top_yukawa = {
"Vus": 0.0,
"Vub": 0.0,
"Vcb": 0.0,
"gamma": 0.0,
"m_b": 0.0,
"m_s": 0.0,
"m_c": 0.0,
"m_u": 0.0,
"m_d": 0.0,
"m_e": 0.0,
"m_mu": 0.0,
"m_tau": 0.0,
no_yukawa = {
"Vus": 0.0,
"Vub": 0.0,
"Vcb": 0.0,
"gamma": 0.0,
"m_b": 0.0,
"m_s": 0.0,
"m_c": 0.0,
"m_u": 0.0,
"m_d": 0.0,
"m_e": 0.0,
"m_mu": 0.0,
"m_tau": 0.0,
"m_t": 0.0,
QCD_only = {
"alpha_e": 0.0,
"m_W": 1e-20,
"m_h": 1e-20,
# gs at MZ
alpha_s = 0.118
gs = np.sqrt(4 * np.pi * alpha_s)
def evolve_gs(scale):
# evolve gs from MZ to scale
beta0 = 11 - 2 / 3 * 6
return gs / np.sqrt(
1 + 2 * beta0 * gs**2 / (4 * np.pi) ** 2 * np.log(scale / 91.1876)
class RGE:
Class to compute the RGE matrix for the SMEFT Wilson coefficients.
The RGE matrix is computed at the initial scale `init_scale` and
evolved to the scale of interest.
wc_names: list
list of Wilson coefficient names to be included in the RGE matrix
init_scale: float
initial scale of the Wilson coefficients
accuracy: str
accuracy of the RGE integration. Options: "leadinglog" or "integrate".
Default is 'integrate'. Inherited behaviour from wilson package.
adm_QCD: bool
if True, only the QCD anomalous dimension is used. Default is False.
yukawa: str
Yukawa parameterization to be used. Options: "top", "none" or "full".
Default is "top".
def __init__(
# order the Wilson coefficients alphabetically
self.wc_names = sorted(wc_names)
self.init_scale = init_scale
self.accuracy = accuracy
# set the anomalous dimension matrix parameters
if yukawa == "top":
elif yukawa == "none":
elif yukawa == "full":
raise ValueError(f"Yukawa parameter not supported: {yukawa}")
_logger.info(f"Using Yukawa parameterization: {yukawa}.")
if adm_QCD:
_logger.info("Using anomalous dimension order: QCD.")
_logger.info("Using anomalous dimension order: full.")
f"Initializing RGE runner with initial scale {init_scale} GeV and accuracy {accuracy}."
def RGEmatrix_dict(self, scale):
Compute the RGE solution at the scale `scale` and return it as a dictionary.
# compute the RGE matrix at the scale `scale`
rge_matrix_dict = {}
for wc_name, wc_vals in self.RGEbasis.items():
_logger.info(f"Computing RGE for {wc_name} at {scale} GeV.")
wc_init = wilson.Wilson(
wc_vals, scale=self.init_scale, eft="SMEFT", basis="Warsaw"
wc_init.set_option("smeft_accuracy", self.accuracy)
wc_final = wc_init.match_run(scale=scale, eft="SMEFT", basis="Warsaw")
# Remove small values
wc_final_vals = {
key: value for key, value in wc_final.dict.items() if abs(value) > 1e-10
# check that imaginary values are small
if any(abs(val.imag) > 1e-10 for val in wc_final_vals.values()):
raise ValueError(
f"Imaginary values in Wilson coefficient for operator {wc_name}."
rge_matrix_dict[wc_name] = self.map_to_smefit(wc_final_vals, scale)
return rge_matrix_dict
def RGEmatrix(self, scale):
Compute the RGE solution at the scale `scale` and return it as a pandas DataFrame.
# compute the RGE matrix dict at the scale `scale`
rge_matrix_dict = self.RGEmatrix_dict(scale)
# create the RGE matrix as pandas dataframe
rge_matrix = pd.DataFrame(
columns=self.wc_names, index=self.all_ops, dtype=float
for wc_name, wc_dict in rge_matrix_dict.items():
for op in self.all_ops:
rge_matrix.loc[op, wc_name] = wc_dict.get(op, 0.0)
# if there are rows with all zeros, remove them
rge_matrix = rge_matrix.loc[(rge_matrix != 0).any(axis=1)]
return rge_matrix
def RGEbasis(self):
Returns the RGE basis translated from smefit to Warsaw.
# computes the translation from the smefit basis to the Warsaw basis
# as expected by the Wilson package
wc_basis = {}
for wc_name in self.wc_names:
wcxf_dict = wcxf_translate[wc_name]
except KeyError:
f"Wilson coefficient {wc_name} not present in the WCxf translation dictionary."
"Assuming it is a UV coupling and associating it to the null vector."
wc_basis[wc_name] = {}
wc_warsaw_name = wcxf_dict["wc"]
if "value" not in wcxf_dict:
wc_warsaw_value = [1] * len(wcxf_dict["wc"])
# check if value is gs
# (this is a special case for OtG)
if wcxf_dict["value"] == ["gs"]:
wc_warsaw_value = [evolve_gs(self.init_scale)]
wc_warsaw_value = wcxf_dict["value"]
# 1e-6 is because the Warsaw basis is in GeV^-2
wc_value = {
wc: val * 1e-6 for wc, val in zip(wc_warsaw_name, wc_warsaw_value)
wc_basis[wc_name] = wc_value
return wc_basis
def map_to_smefit(self, wc_final_vals, scale):
Map the Wilson coefficients from the Warsaw basis to the SMEFiT basis.
wc_dict = {}
for wc_basis, wc_inv_dict in inverse_wcxf_translate.items():
wc_warsaw_name = wc_inv_dict["wc"]
if "coeff" not in wc_inv_dict:
wc_warsaw_coeff = [1] * len(wc_warsaw_name)
# check if coeff is 1/gs
# (this is a special case for OtG)
if wc_inv_dict["coeff"] == ["1/gs"]:
wc_warsaw_coeff = [1 / evolve_gs(scale)]
wc_warsaw_coeff = wc_inv_dict["coeff"]
value = 0.0
for wc, coeff in zip(wc_warsaw_name, wc_warsaw_coeff):
if wc in wc_final_vals:
# 1e6 is to transform from GeV^-2 to TeV^2
value += 1e6 * wc_final_vals[wc].real * coeff
wc_dict[wc_basis] = value
return wc_dict
def all_ops(self):
return sorted(wcxf_translate.keys())
def RGEevolve(self, wcs, scale):
Evolve the Wilson coefficients from the initial scale to the scale of interest.
wc_wilson = {}
for op, values in self.RGEbasis.items():
for key in values:
if key not in wc_wilson:
wc_wilson[key] = values[key] * wcs[op]
wc_wilson[key] += values[key] * wcs[op]
wc_init = wilson.Wilson(
wc_wilson, scale=self.init_scale, eft="SMEFT", basis="Warsaw"
wc_init.set_option("smeft_accuracy", self.accuracy)
wc_final = wc_init.match_run(scale=scale, eft="SMEFT", basis="Warsaw").dict
# remove small values
wc_final = {key: value for key, value in wc_final.items() if abs(value) > 1e-10}
return self.map_to_smefit(wc_final, scale)
def load_scales(
datasets, theory_path, default_scale=1e3, cutoff_scale=None, scale_variation=1.0
Load the energy scales for the datasets.
datasets: list
list of datasets
theory_path: str
path to the theory files
default_scale: float
default scale to use if the dataset does not have a scale
cutoff_scale: float
cutoff scale to use for the scales
scales: list
list of scales for the datasets
scales = []
for dataset in datasets:
Loader.theory_path = pathlib.Path(theory_path)
# dummy call just to get the scales
_, _, _, _, dataset_scales = Loader.load_theory(
# check that dataset_scales is not a list filled with None
# otherwise, assume the initial scale
if not all(scale is None for scale in dataset_scales):
scales.extend([default_scale] * len(dataset_scales))
_logger.info(f"Loaded scales for dataset {dataset['name']}: {dataset_scales}")
if cutoff_scale is not None:
scales = [scale for scale in scales if scale < cutoff_scale]
if scale_variation != 1.0:
_logger.info(f"Applying scale variation of {scale_variation}.")
scales = [scale * scale_variation for scale in scales]
return scales
def load_rge_matrix(
Load the RGE matrix for the SMEFT Wilson coefficients.
rge_dict: dict
dictionary with the RGE input parameter options
coeff_list: list
list of Wilson coefficients to be included in the RGE matrix
datasets: list
list of datasets
theory_path: str
path to the theory files
rgemat: numpy.ndarray
RGE matrix
init_scale = rge_dict.get("init_scale", 1e3)
obs_scale = rge_dict.get("obs_scale", 91.1876)
smeft_accuracy = rge_dict.get("smeft_accuracy", "integrate")
adm_QCD = rge_dict.get("adm_QCD", "full")
yukawa = rge_dict.get("yukawa", "top")
scale_variation = rge_dict.get("scale_variation", 1.0)
rge_runner = RGE(coeff_list, init_scale, smeft_accuracy, adm_QCD, yukawa)
# load precomputed RGE matrix if it exists
path_to_rge_mat = rge_dict.get("rg_matrix", False)
if path_to_rge_mat:
with open(path_to_rge_mat, "rb") as f:
rgemats = pickle.load(f)
stacked_mats = jnp.stack([rgemat.values for rgemat in rgemats])
operators_to_keep = {op: {} for op in rgemats[0].index}
return stacked_mats, operators_to_keep
# if it is a float, it is a static scale
if type(obs_scale) is float or type(obs_scale) is int:
rgemat = rge_runner.RGEmatrix(obs_scale)
gen_operators = list(rgemat.index)
operators_to_keep = {k: {} for k in gen_operators}
# prepend additional dimension for consistency with the dynamic scale case
stacked_mats = jnp.stack([rgemat.values])
save_rg(pathlib.Path(result_path) / result_ID, rgemat=[rgemat])
return stacked_mats, operators_to_keep
elif obs_scale == "dynamic":
scales = load_scales(
operators_to_keep = {}
rgemat = []
rge_cache = {}
for scale in scales:
# Check if the RGE matrix has already been computed
if scale in rge_cache:
rgemat_scale = rge_cache[scale]
rgemat_scale = rge_runner.RGEmatrix(scale)
gen_operators = list(rgemat_scale.index)
# Fill with the operators if not already present in the dictionary
for op in gen_operators:
if op not in operators_to_keep:
operators_to_keep[op] = {}
rge_cache[scale] = rgemat_scale
# now loop through the rgemat and if there are operators
# that are not present in the matrix, fill them with zeros
for mat in rgemat:
for op in operators_to_keep:
if op not in mat.index:
mat.loc[op] = np.zeros(len(mat.columns))
# order the rows alphabetically in the index
# now stack the matrices in a 3D array
stacked_mats = jnp.stack([mat.values for mat in rgemat])
# save RGE matrix to result_path
save_rg(pathlib.Path(result_path) / result_ID, rgemat=rgemat)
return stacked_mats, operators_to_keep
raise ValueError(
f"obs_scale must be either a float/int or 'dynamic'. Passed: {obs_scale}"
def save_rg(path, rgemat):
Save the RGE matrix to the result folder.
path : pathlib.Path
path to the result folder
rgemat: list
List of RGE matrices for each datapoint
if path is not None:
with open(path / "rge_matrix.pkl", "wb") as f:
pickle.dump(rgemat, f)