smefit package
- smefit.analyze package
- Submodules
- smefit.analyze.chi2_utils module
- smefit.analyze.coefficients_utils module
- smefit.analyze.contours_2d module
- smefit.analyze.correlations module
- smefit.analyze.fisher module
- smefit.analyze.html_utils module
- smefit.analyze.latex_tools module
- smefit.analyze.pca module
- module
- smefit.analyze.spider module
- smefit.analyze.summary module
- smefit.cli package
- smefit.optimize package
- smefit.postfit package
- smefit.prefit package
- smefit.projections package
- smefit.rge package
smefit.basis_rotation module
Implement the corrections table basis rotation
- smefit.basis_rotation.rotate_to_fit_basis(lin_dict, quad_dict, rotation_matrix_path)[source]
Rotate to fitting basis
- Parameters:
lin_dict (dict) – theory dictionary with linear operator corrections in the table basis
quad_dict (dict) – theory dictionary with quadratic operator corrections in the table basis, emptry if quadratic corrections are not used
rotation_matrix (pandas.DataFrame) – rotation matrix from tables basis to fitting basis
- Returns:
lin_dict_fit_basis (dict) – theory dictionary with linear operator corrections in the fit basis
quad_dict_fit_basis (dict) – theory dictionary with quadratic operator corrections in the fit basis, emptry if quadratic corrections are not used
smefit.chi2 module
Module for the computation of chi-squared values.
- class smefit.chi2.Scanner(run_card, n_replica)[source]
Class to compute and plot the idividual \(\chi^2\) scan.
- regularized_chi2_func(coeff, xs, use_replica)[source]
Individual \(\chi^2\) wrappper over series of values.
- Parameters:
coeff (smefit.coefficient.Coefficient) – coefficient to switch on.
xs (numpy.array) – coeffient values.
use_replica (bool) – if True compute the \(\chi^2\) on MC replicas.
-------- – individual reduced \(\chi^2\) for each x value.
- smefit.chi2.compute_chi2(dataset, coefficients_values, use_quad, use_multiplicative_prescription, use_replica=False)[source]
Compute the \(\chi^2\).
- Parameters:
dataset (DataTuple) – dataset tuple
coefficients_values (numpy.ndarray) – EFT coefficients values
use_multiplicative_prescription (bool) – if True add the EFT contribution as a key factor
use_quad (bool) – if True include also HO corrections
rgemat (numpy.ndarray) – solution matrix of the RGE
- Returns:
chi2_total – \(\chi^2\) value
- Return type:
smefit.coefficients module
- class smefit.coefficients.Coefficient(name, minimum, maximum, value=None, constrain=False)[source]
Coefficient object
- Parameters:
name (str) – name of the operator corresponding to the Wilson coefficient
minimum (float) – minimum value
maximum (float) – maximum value
value (float, optional) – best value. If None set to random between minimum and maximum
if False, the parameter is free, default option
if True, the parameter is fixed to the given value
if dict the parameter is fixed to a function of other coefficients
- class smefit.coefficients.CoefficientManager(input_array)[source]
Coefficient objcts manager
- Parameters:
input_array (np.ndarray or list) – list of smefit.coefficients.Coefficient instances
- property free_parameters
Returns the table containing only free parameters
- classmethod from_dict(coefficient_config)[source]
Create a coefficientManager from a dictionary
- Parameters:
coefficient_config (dict) – coefficients configuration dictionary
- Returns:
coefficient_manager – instance of the class
- Return type:
- property maximum
- property minimum
- property name
- set_constraints()[source]
Sets constraints between coefficients according to the coefficient.constrain information:
- property size
- update_constrain(inv_rotation)[source]
Update the constraints according to rotation matrix. Only linear constrain are supported.
- Parameters:
inv_rotation (pd.DataFrame) – rotation matrix from the original basis to the new_basis
- property value
smefit.compute_theory module
Module for the generation of theory predictions
- smefit.compute_theory.flatten(quad_mat, axis=0)[source]
Delete lower triangular part of a quadratic matrix and flatten it into an array
- Parameters:
quad_mat (numpy.ndarray) – tensor to flatten
axis (int) – axis along which the triangular part is selected
- smefit.compute_theory.make_predictions(dataset, coefficients_values, use_quad, use_multiplicative_prescription)[source]
Generate the corrected theory predictions for dataset given a set of SMEFT coefficients.
- Parameters:
dataset (DataTuple) – dataset tuple
coefficients_values (numpy.ndarray) – EFT coefficients values
use_quad (bool) – if True include also HO corrections
use_multiplicative_prescription (bool) – if True add the EFT contribution as a k-factor
- Returns:
corrected_theory – SM + EFT theory predictions
- Return type:
smefit.covmat module
Module containing computation of covariance matrix. Based on
- smefit.covmat.construct_covmat(stat_errors: array, sys_errors: DataFrame)[source]
Basic function to construct a covariance matrix (covmat), given the statistical error and a dataframe of systematics. Errors with name UNCORR or THEORYUNCORR are added in quadrature with the statistical error to the diagonal of the covmat. Other systematics are treated as correlated; their covmat contribution is found by multiplying them by their transpose.
- Parameters:
stat_errors (numpy.ndarray) – a 1-D array of statistical uncertainties
sys_errors (pandas.DataFrame) – a dataframe with shape (N_data * N_sys) and systematic name as the column headers. The uncertainties should be in the same units as the data.
- Returns:
cov_mat – Covariance matrix
- Return type:
This function doesn’t contain any logic to ignore certain contributions to the covmat, if you wanted to not include a particular systematic/set of systematics i.e all uncertainties with MULT errors, then filter those out of
before passing that to this function.
- smefit.covmat.covmat_from_systematics(stat_errors: list, sys_errors: list)[source]
Given two lists containing the statistic and systematic errors, construct the full covariance matrix.
This is similar to
except that special corr systematics are concatenated across all datasets before being multiplied by their transpose to give off block-diagonal contributions. The other systematics contribute to the block diagonal in the same way asconstruct_covmat()
.- Parameters:
- Returns:
cov_mat – Numpy array which is N_dat x N_dat (where N_dat is the number of data points) containing uncertainty and correlation information.
- Return type:
smefit.fit_manager module
- class smefit.fit_manager.FitManager(path, name, label=None)[source]
Class to collect all the fit information, load the results, compute best theory predictions.
- path
path to fit location
- Type:
- name
fit name
- Type:
- has_posterior
True if the fi contains the full posterrio distribution, False if only cl bounds are stored (external fits for benchmark)
- Type:
- results
fit results, they need to be loaded by load_results
- Type:
- Parameters:
path (pathlib.Path) – path to fit location
name (srt) – fit name
label (str, optional) – fit label if any otherwise guess it from the name
- property coefficients
coefficient manager
- load_configuration()[source]
Load configuration yaml card.
- Returns:
configuration card
- Return type:
- load_results()[source]
Load posterior distribution of a fit. If the fit is produced by and external source it loads the results. Results are stored in a class attribute
- property n_replica
Number of replicas
- property smeft_predictions
Compute SMEFT predictions for each replica.
- Returns:
SMEFT predictions for each replica
- Return type:
- property smeft_predictions_best_fit
Compute SMEFT predictions for the best fit point.
- Returns:
SMEFT predictions for the best fit
- Return type:
smefit.loader module
- class smefit.loader.DataTuple(Commondata, SMTheory, OperatorsNames, LinearCorrections, QuadraticCorrections, ExpNames, NdataExp, InvCovMat, ThCovMat, Luminosity, Replica)
- Commondata
Alias for field number 0
- ExpNames
Alias for field number 5
- InvCovMat
Alias for field number 7
- LinearCorrections
Alias for field number 3
- Luminosity
Alias for field number 9
- NdataExp
Alias for field number 6
- OperatorsNames
Alias for field number 2
- QuadraticCorrections
Alias for field number 4
- Replica
Alias for field number 10
- SMTheory
Alias for field number 1
- ThCovMat
Alias for field number 8
- class smefit.loader.Loader(setname, operators_to_keep, order, use_quad, use_theory_covmat, use_multiplicative_prescription, rot_to_fit_basis, cutoff_scale)[source]
Class to check, load commondata and corresponding theory predictions.
- Parameters:
setname (str) – dataset name to load
operators_to_keep (list) – list of operators for which corrections are loaded
order ("LO", "NLO") – EFT perturbative order
use_quad (bool) – if True loads also HO corrections
use_theory_covmat (bool)
one (if True add the theory covariance matrix to the experimental)
rot_to_fit_basis (dict, None) – matrix rotation to fit basis or None
- apply_cutoff_mask(cutoff_scale)[source]
Updates previously loaded theory and datasets by filtering out points with scales above the cutoff scale
- Parameters:
cutoff_scale (flaot) – Value of the cutoff scale as specified in the runcard
- property central_values
Central values
- Returns:
central_values – experimental central values
- Return type:
- commondata_path = PosixPath('.')
path to commondata folder, commondata excluded
- property covmat
Experimental covariance matrix
- Returns:
covmat – experimental covariance matrix of a single dataset
- Return type:
- property lin_corrections
NHO corrections
- Returns:
lin_corrections – dictionary with operator names and NHO correctsions
- Return type:
- load_experimental_data()[source]
Load experimental data with corresponding uncertainties
- Returns:
cental_values (numpy.ndarray) – experimental central values
covmat (numpy.ndarray) – experimental covariance matrix
- static load_theory(setname, operators_to_keep, order, use_quad, use_theory_covmat, use_multiplicative_prescription, rotation_matrix=None)[source]
Load theory predictions
- Parameters:
operators_to_keep (list) – list of operators to keep
order ("LO", "NLO") – EFT perturbative order
use_quad (bool) – if True returns also HO corrections
use_theory_covmat (bool) – if True add the theory covariance matrix to the experimental one
rotation_matrix (numpy.ndarray) – rotation matrix from tables basis to fitting basis
- Returns:
sm (numpy.ndarray) – SM predictions
lin_dict (dict) – dictionary with NHO corrections
quad_dict (dict) – dictionary with HO corrections, empty if not use_quad
scales (list) – list of energy scales for the theory predictions
- property lumi
Integrated luminosity of the dataset in fb^-1
- Returns:
lumi – Integrated luminosity of the dataset in fb^-1
- Return type:
- property quad_corrections
HO corrections
- Returns:
quad_corrections – dictionary with operator names and HO correctsions
- Return type:
- property sm_prediction
SM prediction for the dataset
- Returns:
SM_predictions – best SM prediction
- Return type:
- property stat_error
Statistical errors
- Returns:
stat_error – statistical errors of the dataset
- Return type:
- property sys_error
Systematic errors
- Returns:
sys_error – systematic errors of the dataset
- Return type:
- property sys_error_t0
Systematic errors modified according to t0 prescription
- Returns:
sys_error_t0 – t0 systematic errors of the dataset
- Return type:
- property theory_covmat
Theory covariance matrix
- Returns:
theory covmat – theory covariance matrix of a single dataset
- Return type:
- theory_path = PosixPath('.')
path to theory folder, theory excluded. Default it assumes to be the same as commondata_path
- smefit.loader.check_missing_operators(loaded_corrections, coeff_config)[source]
Check if all the coefficient in the runcard are also present inside the theory tables.
- smefit.loader.construct_corrections_matrix_linear(corrections_list, n_data_tot, sorted_keys, rgemat=None)[source]
Constructs the linear EFT corrections.
- Parameters:
corrections_list (list(dict)) – list containing corrections per experiment
n_data_tot (int) – total number of experimental data points
sorted_keys (numpy.ndarray) – list of sorted operator corrections
rgemat (numpy.ndarray, optional) – solution matrix of the RGE, shape (k, l, m) with k the number of datapoints, l the number of generated coefficients and m the number of original EFT coefficients specified in the runcard.
- Returns:
corr_values – matrix with correction values (n_data_tot, sorted_keys.size)
- Return type:
- smefit.loader.construct_corrections_matrix_quadratic(corrections_list, n_data_tot, sorted_keys, rgemat=None)[source]
Constructs quadratic EFT corrections.
- Parameters:
corrections_list (list(dict)) – list containing per experiment the number of datapoints and corresponding corrections
n_data_tot (int) – total number of experimental data points
sorted_keys (numpy.ndarray) – list of sorted operator corrections, shape=(n rg generated coeff,) or shape=(n original coeff,) in the absence of rgemat
rgemat (numpy.ndarray, optional) – solution matrix of the RGE, shape=(k, l, m) with k the number of datapoints, l the number of generated coefficients under the RG and m the number of original EFT coefficients specified in the runcard.
- Returns:
corr_values – matrix with correction values (n_data_tot, sorted_keys.size, sorted_keys.size)
- Return type:
- smefit.loader.load_datasets(commondata_path, datasets, operators_to_keep, use_quad, use_theory_covmat, use_t0, use_multiplicative_prescription, default_order='LO', theory_path=None, rot_to_fit_basis=None, has_uv_couplings=False, has_external_chi2=False, rgemat=None, cutoff_scale=None)[source]
Loads experimental data, theory and SMEFT corrections into a namedtuple
- Parameters:
commondata_path (str, pathlib.Path) – path to commondata folder, commondata excluded
datasets (list) – List of datasets to be loaded
operators_to_keep (list) – list of operators for which corrections are loaded
default_order (str) – Default perturbative order of the theory predictions
use_quad (bool) – if True loads also HO corrections
use_theory_covmat (bool) – if True add the theory covariance matrix to the experimental one
theory_path (str, pathlib.Path, optional) – path to theory folder, theory excluded. Default it assumes to be the same as commondata_path
rot_to_fit_basis (dict, optional) – matrix rotation to fit basis or None
has_uv_couplings (bool, optional) – True for UV fits
has_external_chi2 (bool, optional) – True in the presence of external chi2 modules
rgemat (numpy.ndarray, optional) – solution matrix of the RGE, shape=(k, l, m) with k the number of datapoints, l the number of generated coefficients under the RG and m the number of original EFT coefficients specified in the runcard.
cutoff_scale (float, optional) – kinematic cutoff scale
smefit.log module
smefit.runner module
- class smefit.runner.Runner(run_card, single_parameter_fits, pairwise_fits, runcard_file=None)[source]
Container for all the possible SMEFiT run methods.
Init the root path of the package where tables, results, plot config and reports are stored.
- Parameters:
run_card (dict) – run card dictionary
single_parameter_fits (bool) – True for single parameter fits
runcard_file (pathlib.Path, None) – path to runcard if already present
- classmethod from_file(runcard_file, replica=None)[source]
Create Runner from a runcard file
- Parameters:
runcard_file (pathlib.Path, str) – path to runcard
replica (int) – replica number. Optional used only for MC
- Returns:
runner – instance of class Runner
- Return type:
- global_analysis(optimizer)[source]
Run a global fit using the selected optimizer.
- Parameters:
optimizer (string) – optimizer to be used (NS, MC or A)
- pairwise_analysis(optimizer)[source]
Run a series of pairwise parameter fits for all the operators specified in the runcard.
- Parameters:
optimizer (string) – optimizer to be used only NS is supported
- run_analysis(optimizer)[source]
Run either the global analysis or a series of single parameter fits using the selected optimizer.
- Parameters:
optimizer (string) – optimizer to be used (NS, MC or A)