Produce a report
Once the file containing the posterior has been produced, the results can be visualized by running a report, which can be used for both analysing a single fit or comparing results from multiple ones. The report details have to be specified in a separate runcard, and the report is produced by running
smefit R /path/to/report/runcard.yaml
All the plots and tables will be stored in a folder and are avialabe both in HTML and pdf.
Runcard descriprion
Here we describe the various runcard entries that can be set to produce a report.
The runcard is a .yaml
file where in the first section we specify the input fits we are trying to compare.
All the following entries are required.
# report folder name
name: "report_folder_name"
# report title
title: "Comparison between fit 1 and fit 2"
# fit namen
result_IDs: [
# fit labels displayed in the plots
fit_labels: [
"smefit fit 1",
"smefit fit 2",
# path where the report will be saved
report_path: path/to/report/
# path where the reults are located
result_path: path/to/results/
The report will be saved in report_path/name
and will compare the fits having
and result_ID=fit_2
whose results are therefore saved in result_path/fit_1
and result_path/fit_2
In the second part of the report runcard you can specify which kind of plot you want to include in your report and with which settings. All the entries without a value are optional, if not present the correspoding analysis/plot will be skipped.
# include sumary tables of ffited coefficient and datasets
summary: True
# cofficient plots options
# scatter plot with central values and error bands
figsize: [10,15] # figure size
x_min: -400 # x min value, you can specify different ranges with {type1: min1 ...}
x_max: 400 # x min value, you can specify different ranges with {type1: max1 ...}
lin_thr: .01 # linear threshold, in case of x_log, you can specify different ranges wit {type1: min1 ...}
x_log: True # use symlog scale on x axis ?
# confidence level error band plot
confidence_level: 95 # Avalable CL are 95% or 68%
figsize: [10,15] # figure size
plot_cutoff: 400 # value at which show a cut-off dashed line, defult is Null
x_min: 0.01 # x min value
x_max: 500 # x max value
x_log: True # use log scale on x axis ?
# spider plot that displays the ratio of uncertainties to a baseline fit
confidence_level: 95 # confidence level in percentage
log_scale: True # use radial log scale
title: "title"
fontsize: 17
ncol: 2 # number of columns in the legend
legend_loc: 'upper center'
radial_lines: [0.5, 1, 5, 10, 20, 40, 60, 80 ] # where to draw radial lines
marker_styles: ['*', 'o', 'P'] # markers for the legend
class_order: ["4H", "2L2H", "2FB", "4l", "B"] # order of operator classes (optional)
# bar plot of pulls (one-sigma fit residuals) per coefficient
figsize: [10,18] # figure size
x_min: -3 # minimum number of sigmas to display
x_max: 3 # maximum number of sigmas to display
# 2 dimensional contour plot
confidence_level: 95 # Avalable CL are 95% or 68%, as a list both are plotted
dofs_show: ["Op1", "Op2"] # list of operator to be displayed (will include all the possible pairs), default is Null
# show the posterior histograms
posterior_histograms: True
# show a summary table with all the given bounds
round_val: 3 # round values up to
# display the smefit logo
logo: True
show_only: Null # list of operator to be displayed, default is all (Null)
hide_dofs: Null # list of operator not to displayed, default is Null
# emptry or list of operator per fit which have degenerated solution
# (to be used only in qudtatic fits)
fit_1: ["Opdouble1", "Opdouble2"]
fit_2: []
# correlation plot options
hide_dofs: Null # list of operator not to displayed, default is Null
thr_show: 0.1 # Min value to show, if Null show the full matrix
title: true # if True display the fit label as title
# PCA options
fit_list: ["fit_1"] # list of fit for which PCA is performed, by default all the fits will be included
table: True # display a table with the list of PC decomposition
thr_show: 1.e-2 # min value of the principal component to display
# heatmap plot
figsize: [15,15] # figure size
sv_min: 1.e-4 # min singular value to display (upper plot)
sv_max: 1.e+5 # max singular value to display (upper plot)
thr_show: 0.1 # min value of the principal component to display (main plot)
title: true # if True display the fit label as title
# chi2 analysis plots and tables options
table: True # display chi2 tables per dataset?
# chi2 plot per dataset bar plot
figsize: [10,15] # figure size
# chi2 distribution per replica histogram
figsize: [7,5] # figure size
# fisher information options
norm: "coeff" # normalize per "coeff" or "data"
summary_only: True # if True display only the fisher information per dataset group. If False will show the fine grained dataset per dataset
log: False # show values in log scale ?
fit_list: ["fit_1"] # list of fit for which fisher is compued, by default all the fits will be included
# heatmap plot
summary_only: True # if True display only the fisher information per dataset group. If False will show the fine grained dataset per dataset
figsize: [11, 15] # figure size
title: true # if True display the fit label as title
summary_only: True # if True display only the fisher information per dataset group. If False will show the fine grained dataset per dataset
figsize: [11, 15] # figure size
title: true # if True display the fit label as title
column_names: # list of column names to be displayed, default is all
- group_1: "$\\rm group\\:1$"
- tt13: "$t\\bar{t}$"
- ...
together: ["fit_1", "fit_2"] # list of result IDs to be plotted together
Finally the user has to specify two dictionaries where the informaions about Wilson coefficients and datasets entering the analysis are reporte are reported. Both names of the operators and the datasets are those used in the fit runcard. These informations are required.
Wilson coefficients latex names should be added, by group type following the syntax:
type1: [
[Op1, "$c_{\\varphi}^{(1)}$"],
[Op2, "$c_{\\varphi}^{(2)}$"],
4H: [
[OQQ1, "$c_{QQ}^{1}$"],
[OQQ8, "$c_{QQ}^{8}$"],
2L2H: [
[O81qq, "$c_{qq}^{1,8}$"],
[O11qq, "$c_{qq}^{1,1}$"],
Similarly the information corresponding to the experimental data should be reported as in the following:
group_1: [
[dataset_1, https://lin/to/public/reference/1],
[dataset_2, https://lin/to/public/reference/2],
tt13: [
You can see the smefit databse repo for futher examples about report runcards.