smefit.rge package


smefit.rge.rge module

class smefit.rge.rge.RGE(wc_names, init_scale, accuracy='integrate', adm_QCD=False, yukawa='top')[source]

Bases: object

Class to compute the RGE matrix for the SMEFT Wilson coefficients. The RGE matrix is computed at the initial scale init_scale and evolved to the scale of interest.

  • wc_names (list) – list of Wilson coefficient names to be included in the RGE matrix

  • init_scale (float) – initial scale of the Wilson coefficients

  • accuracy (str) – accuracy of the RGE integration. Options: “leadinglog” or “integrate”. Default is ‘integrate’. Inherited behaviour from wilson package.

  • adm_QCD (bool) – if True, only the QCD anomalous dimension is used. Default is False.

  • yukawa (str) – Yukawa parameterization to be used. Options: “top”, “none” or “full”. Default is “top”.

property RGEbasis

Returns the RGE basis translated from smefit to Warsaw.

RGEevolve(wcs, scale)[source]

Evolve the Wilson coefficients from the initial scale to the scale of interest.


Compute the RGE solution at the scale scale and return it as a pandas DataFrame.


Compute the RGE solution at the scale scale and return it as a dictionary.

property all_ops
map_to_smefit(wc_final_vals, scale)[source]

Map the Wilson coefficients from the Warsaw basis to the SMEFiT basis.

smefit.rge.rge.beta_wrapper(C, HIGHSCALE=inf, *args, **kwargs)[source]
smefit.rge.rge.load_rge_matrix(rge_dict, coeff_list, datasets=None, theory_path=None, cutoff_scale=None, result_path=None, result_ID=None)[source]

Load the RGE matrix for the SMEFT Wilson coefficients.

  • rge_dict (dict) – dictionary with the RGE input parameter options

  • coeff_list (list) – list of Wilson coefficients to be included in the RGE matrix

  • datasets (list) – list of datasets

  • theory_path (str) – path to the theory files


rgemat – RGE matrix

Return type:


smefit.rge.rge.load_scales(datasets, theory_path, default_scale=1000.0, cutoff_scale=None, scale_variation=1.0)[source]

Load the energy scales for the datasets.

  • datasets (list) – list of datasets

  • theory_path (str) – path to the theory files

  • default_scale (float) – default scale to use if the dataset does not have a scale

  • cutoff_scale (float) – cutoff scale to use for the scales


scales – list of scales for the datasets

Return type:


smefit.rge.rge.save_rg(path, rgemat)[source]

Save the RGE matrix to the result folder.

  • path (pathlib.Path) – path to the result folder

  • rgemat (list) – List of RGE matrices for each datapoint

smefit.rge.wcxf module