Source code for smefit.runner

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import itertools
import pathlib
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
from shutil import copyfile

import yaml

from .analyze.pca import RotateToPca
from .chi2 import Scanner
from .log import logging
from .optimize.analytic import ALOptimizer
from import MCOptimizer
from .optimize.ultranest import USOptimizer

    from mpi4py import MPI

    run_parallel = True
except ModuleNotFoundError:
    run_parallel = False

_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class Runner: """ Container for all the possible |SMEFiT| run methods. Init the root path of the package where tables, results, plot config and reports are stored. Parameters ---------- run_card : dict run card dictionary single_parameter_fits : bool True for single parameter fits runcard_file : pathlib.Path, None path to runcard if already present """ def __init__( self, run_card, single_parameter_fits, pairwise_fits, runcard_file=None ): self.run_card = run_card self.runcard_file = runcard_file self.single_parameter_fits = single_parameter_fits self.pairwise_fits = pairwise_fits self.setup_result_folder()
[docs] def setup_result_folder(self): """ Create result folder and copy the runcard there """ # Construct results folder result_ID = self.run_card["result_ID"] result_folder = pathlib.Path(self.run_card["result_path"]) if self.run_card["replica"] is not None: res_folder_fit = ( result_folder / result_ID / f"replica_{self.run_card['replica']}" ) else: res_folder_fit = result_folder / result_ID if res_folder_fit.exists(): _logger.warning(f"{res_folder_fit} already found, overwriting old results") shutil.rmtree(res_folder_fit)"mkdir -p {res_folder_fit}", shell=True) # Copy yaml runcard to results folder or dump it # in case no given file is passed runcard_copy = result_folder / result_ID / f"{result_ID}.yaml" if self.runcard_file is None: with open(runcard_copy, encoding="utf-8") as f: yaml.dump(self.run_card, f, default_flow_style=False) else: copyfile( self.runcard_file, runcard_copy, )
[docs] @classmethod def from_file(cls, runcard_file, replica=None): """ Create Runner from a runcard file Parameters ---------- runcard_file: pathlib.Path, str path to runcard replica: int replica number. Optional used only for MC Returns ------- runner: `smefit.runner.Runner` instance of class Runner """ config = {} # load file with open(runcard_file, encoding="utf-8") as f: config = yaml.safe_load(f) config["replica"] = replica # set result ID to runcard name by default if "result_ID" not in config: config["result_ID"] = runcard_file.stem single_parameter_fits = config.get("single_parameter_fits", False) pairwise_fits = config.get("pairwise_fits", False) return cls( config, single_parameter_fits, pairwise_fits, runcard_file.absolute() )
[docs] def get_optimizer(self, optimizer): """Return the seleted optimizer.""" if optimizer == "NS": return self.ultranest elif optimizer == "MC": return elif optimizer == "A": return self.analytic raise ValueError(f"{optimizer} is not available")
[docs] def analytic(self, config): """Sample the analytic linear solution.""" a_opt = ALOptimizer.from_dict(config) a_opt.run_sampling()
[docs] def ultranest(self, config): """Run a fit with Ultra Nest.""" # add external modules to paths if "external_chi2" in config: external_chi2 = config["external_chi2"] for _, module in external_chi2.items(): module_path = module["path"] path = pathlib.Path(module_path) base_path, stem = path.parent, path.stem sys.path = [str(base_path)] + sys.path if run_parallel: comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD rank = comm.Get_rank() if rank == 0: ns_opt = USOptimizer.from_dict(config) else: ns_opt = None ns_opt = comm.bcast(ns_opt, root=0) else: ns_opt = USOptimizer.from_dict(config) ns_opt.run_sampling()
[docs] def mc(self, config): """Run a fit with |MC|.""" mc_opt = MCOptimizer.from_dict(config) mc_opt.run_sampling()
[docs] def rotate_to_pca(self): """Rotate to |PCA| basis.""""Rotate input basis to PCA basis") pca_rot = RotateToPca.from_dict(self.run_card) pca_rot.compute() pca_rot.update_runcard()
[docs] def global_analysis(self, optimizer): """Run a global fit using the selected optimizer. Parameters ---------- optimizer: string optimizer to be used (NS, MC or A) """ config = self.run_card opt = self.get_optimizer(optimizer) opt(config)
[docs] def single_parameter_analysis(self, optimizer): """Run a seried of single parameter fits for all the operators specified in the runcard. Parameters ---------- optimizer: string optimizer to be used (NS, MC or A) """ def MultipleConstrainError(): raise ValueError( "Constrain with multiple coefficients do not make sense, in sigle parameter fits." ) config = self.run_card # loop on all the coefficients for coeff in config["coefficients"].keys(): single_coeff_config = dict(config) single_coeff_config["coefficients"] = {} # skip contrained coeffs if "constrain" in config["coefficients"][coeff]:"Skipping constrained coefficient %s", coeff) continue # if there are constrained coefficients, only # relations in which appears a single indepentent # coefficient make sense. new_coeff_config = {} # seach for a realtion: loop on all the coefficients for coeff2, vals in config["coefficients"].items(): if "constrain" not in vals: continue # if fixed value, crash if isinstance(vals["constrain"], (int, float)): raise ValueError( "Fixed value constrain do not make sense for single parameter fits." ) constrain = ( vals["constrain"] if isinstance(vals["constrain"], list) else [vals["constrain"]] ) # only single coefficient constrain are supported new_constrain = [] for addend in constrain: if len(addend) > 1: MultipleConstrainError() if coeff in addend: new_constrain.append(addend) # check that the coefficient appearing in all the addends is the same elif new_constrain: MultipleConstrainError() if new_constrain: new_coeff_config[coeff2] = vals # add fitted coefficient new_coeff_config[coeff] = config["coefficients"][coeff] single_coeff_config["coefficients"] = new_coeff_config opt = self.get_optimizer(optimizer) opt(single_coeff_config)
[docs] def pairwise_analysis(self, optimizer): """Run a series of pairwise parameter fits for all the operators specified in the runcard. Parameters ---------- optimizer: string optimizer to be used only NS is supported """ if optimizer != "NS": raise ValueError("Paiwise analysis is implemented only for NS.") config = self.run_card for c1, c2 in itertools.combinations(config["coefficients"].keys(), 2): pairwise_coeff_config = dict(config) pairwise_coeff_config["coefficients"] = {} pairwise_coeff_config["coefficients"][c1] = config["coefficients"][c1] pairwise_coeff_config["coefficients"][c2] = config["coefficients"][c2] opt = self.get_optimizer(optimizer) opt(pairwise_coeff_config)
[docs] def run_analysis(self, optimizer): """Run either the global analysis or a series of single parameter fits using the selected optimizer. Parameters ---------- optimizer: string optimizer to be used (NS, MC or A) """ if self.single_parameter_fits: self.single_parameter_analysis(optimizer) elif self.pairwise_fits: self.pairwise_analysis(optimizer) else: self.global_analysis(optimizer)
[docs] def chi2_scan(self, n_replica, compute_bounds): r"""Run an individual :math:`\chi^2` scan. Parameters ---------- n_replica: int number of replicas to use. If 0 only the :math:`\chi^2` experimental data will be computed. compute_bounds: bool if True compute and save the :math:`\chi^2` bounds. """ scan = Scanner(self.run_card, n_replica) if compute_bounds: scan.compute_bounds() scan.compute_scan() scan.plot_scan()