Source code for smefit.optimize.ultranest

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Fitting the Wilson coefficients with |NS|"""
import time
from functools import partial

import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp
import ultranest
from import Style
from rich.table import Table
from ultranest import stepsampler

from smefit.rge.rge import load_rge_matrix

from .. import chi2, log
from ..coefficients import CoefficientManager
from ..loader import load_datasets
from . import Optimizer

    from mpi4py import MPI

    run_parallel = True
except ModuleNotFoundError:
    run_parallel = False

_logger = log.logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class USOptimizer(Optimizer): """Optimizer specification for Ultra nest. Parameters ---------- loaded_datasets : `smefit.loader.DataTuple`, dataset tuple coefficients : `smefit.coefficients.CoefficientManager` instance of `CoefficientManager` with all the relevant coefficients to fit result_path: pathlib.Path path to result folder use_quad : bool If True use also |HO| corrections result_ID : str result name single_parameter_fits : bool True for single parameter fits pairwise_fits : bool True for pairwise parameter fits use_multiplicative_prescription : bool if True uses the multiplicative prescription for the |EFT| corrections live_points : int number of |NS| live points lepsilon : float sampling tollerance. Terminate when live point likelihoods are all the same, within Lepsilon tolerance. Increase this when your likelihood function is inaccurate, target_evidence_unc: float target evidence uncertainty. target_post_unc: float target posterior uncertainty. frac_remain: float integrate until this fraction of the integral is left in the remainder. Set to a higher number (0.5) if you know the posterior is simple. store_raw: bool if True store the result to eventually resume the job vectorized: bool if True use jax vectorization float64: bool if True use float64 precision external_chi2: dict dict of external chi2 rgemat: numpy.ndarray solution matrix of the RGE rge_dict: dict dictionary with the RGE input parameter options """ print_rate = 5000 def __init__( self, loaded_datasets, coefficients, result_path, use_quad, result_ID, single_parameter_fits, pairwise_fits, use_multiplicative_prescription, live_points=500, lepsilon=0.001, target_evidence_unc=0.5, target_post_unc=0.5, frac_remain=0.01, store_raw=False, vectorized=False, float64=False, external_chi2=None, rgemat=None, rge_dict=None, ): super().__init__( results_path=f"{result_path}/{result_ID}", loaded_datasets=loaded_datasets, coefficients=coefficients, use_quad=use_quad, single_parameter_fits=single_parameter_fits, use_multiplicative_prescription=use_multiplicative_prescription, external_chi2=external_chi2, rgemat=rgemat, rge_dict=rge_dict, ) self.live_points = live_points self.lepsilon = lepsilon self.target_evidence_unc = target_evidence_unc self.target_post_unc = target_post_unc self.frac_remain = frac_remain self.vectorized = vectorized self.npar = self.free_parameters.shape[0] self.result_ID = result_ID self.pairwise_fits = pairwise_fits self.store_raw = store_raw # Set coefficients relevant quantities self.fixed_coeffs = self.coefficients._objlist[~self.coefficients.is_free] self.coeffs_index = self.coefficients._table.index # Ultranest requires float64 below 11 dof if float64 or self.npar < 11: jax.config.update("jax_enable_x64", True)
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, config): """Create object from theory dictionary. Parameters ---------- config : dict configuration dictionary Returns ------- cls : Optimizer created object """ rge_dict = config.get("rge", None) operators_to_keep = config["coefficients"] cutoff_scale = config.get("cutoff_scale", None) if rge_dict is not None and config.get("datasets") is not None:"Loading RGE matrix") rgemat, operators_to_keep = load_rge_matrix( rge_dict, list(operators_to_keep.keys()), config["datasets"], config.get("theory_path", None), cutoff_scale, config.get("result_path", None), config.get("result_ID", None), )"The operators generated by the RGE are: ") else: rgemat = None if config.get("datasets") is not None: loaded_datasets = load_datasets( config["data_path"], config["datasets"], operators_to_keep, config["use_quad"], config["use_theory_covmat"], config["use_t0"], config.get("use_multiplicative_prescription", False), config.get("default_order", "LO"), config.get("theory_path", None), config.get("rot_to_fit_basis", None), config.get("uv_couplings", False), config.get("external_chi2", False), rgemat=rgemat, cutoff_scale=cutoff_scale, ) elif config.get("external_chi2") is not None: loaded_datasets = None else: raise ValueError("No datasets or external chi2 provided") coefficients = CoefficientManager.from_dict(config["coefficients"]) single_parameter_fits = config.get("single_parameter_fits", False) pairwise_fits = config.get("pairwise_fits", False) nlive = config.get("nlive", 500) if "nlive" not in config: _logger.warning( f"Number of live points (nlive) not set in the input card. Using default: {nlive}" ) lepsilon = config.get("lepsilon", 0.05) if "lepsilon" not in config: _logger.warning( f"Sampling tollerance (Lepsilon) not set in the input card. Using default: {lepsilon}" ) target_evidence_unc = config.get("target_evidence_unc", 0.5) if "target_evidence_unc" not in config: _logger.warning( f"Target Evidence uncertanty (target_evidence_unc) not set in the input card. Using default: {target_evidence_unc}" ) target_post_unc = config.get("target_post_unc", 0.5) if "target_post_unc" not in config: _logger.warning( f"Target Posterior uncertanty (target_post_unc) not set in the input card. Using default: {target_post_unc}" ) frac_remain = config.get("frac_remain", 0.01) if "frac_remain" not in config: _logger.warning( f"Remaining fraction (frac_remain) not set in the input card. Using default: {frac_remain}" ) store_raw = config.get("store_raw", False) vectorized = config.get("vectorized", False) float64 = config.get("float64", False) use_multiplicative_prescription = config.get( "use_multiplicative_prescription", False ) external_chi2 = config.get("external_chi2", None) return cls( loaded_datasets, coefficients, config["result_path"], config["use_quad"], config["result_ID"], single_parameter_fits, pairwise_fits, use_multiplicative_prescription, live_points=nlive, lepsilon=lepsilon, target_evidence_unc=target_evidence_unc, target_post_unc=target_post_unc, frac_remain=frac_remain, store_raw=store_raw, vectorized=vectorized, float64=float64, external_chi2=external_chi2, rgemat=rgemat, rge_dict=rge_dict, )
[docs] def chi2_func_ns(self, params): """Compute the chi2 function for |NS|. It is simplified with respect to the one in the Optimizer class, so that it can be compiled with jax.jit. Parameters ---------- params : jnp.ndarray Wilson coefficients """ if self.loaded_datasets is not None: chi2_tot = chi2.compute_chi2( self.loaded_datasets, params, self.use_quad, self.use_multiplicative_prescription, use_replica=False, ) else: chi2_tot = 0 if self.chi2_ext is not None: for chi2_ext in self.chi2_ext: chi2_ext_i = chi2_ext(params) chi2_tot += chi2_ext_i return chi2_tot
[docs] def compute_fixed_coeff(self, constrain, param_dict): """Compute the fixed coefficient.""" temp = 0.0 for add_factor_dict in constrain: free_dofs = jnp.array( [param_dict[fixed_name] for fixed_name in add_factor_dict] ) fact_exp = jnp.array(list(add_factor_dict.values()), dtype=float) temp +=[:, 0] * jnp.power(free_dofs, fact_exp[:, 1])) return temp
[docs] def produce_all_params(self, params): """Produce all parameters from the free parameters. Parameters ---------- params : jnp.ndarray free parameters Returns ------- all_params : jnp.ndarray all parameters """ is_free = self.coefficients.is_free num_params = self.coefficients.size if all(is_free): return params all_params = jnp.zeros(num_params) all_params =[is_free].set(params) param_dict = dict(zip(self.coeffs_index, all_params)) fixed_coefficients = [ coeff for coeff in self.fixed_coeffs if coeff.constrain is not None ] for coefficient_fixed in fixed_coefficients: fixed_coeff = self.compute_fixed_coeff( coefficient_fixed.constrain, param_dict ) fixed_index = self.coeffs_index.get_loc( all_params =[fixed_index].set(fixed_coeff) return all_params
[docs] @partial(jax.jit, static_argnames=["self"]) def gaussian_loglikelihood(self, params): """Multi gaussian log likelihood function. Parameters ---------- params : np.ndarray params prior Returns ------- -0.5 * chi2 : np.ndarray multi gaussian log likelihood """ all_params = self.produce_all_params(params) return -0.5 * self.chi2_func_ns(all_params)
[docs] @partial(jax.jit, static_argnames=["self"]) def flat_prior(self, hypercube): """Update the prior function. Parameters ---------- hypercube : np.ndarray hypercube prior Returns ------- flat_prior : np.ndarray updated hypercube prior """ min_val = self.free_parameters.minimum.values max_val = self.free_parameters.maximum.values return hypercube * (max_val - min_val) + min_val
[docs] def run_sampling(self): """Run the minimization with Ultra nest.""" log_dir = None if self.store_raw: log_dir = self.results_path / "ultranest_log" if self.vectorized: loglikelihood = jax.vmap(self.gaussian_loglikelihood) flat_prior = jax.vmap(self.flat_prior) else: loglikelihood = self.gaussian_loglikelihood flat_prior = self.flat_prior t1 = time.time() sampler = ultranest.ReactiveNestedSampler( self.free_parameters.index.tolist(), loglikelihood, flat_prior, log_dir=log_dir, resume=True, vectorized=self.vectorized, ) if self.npar > 10: # set up step sampler. Here, we use a differential evolution slice sampler: sampler.stepsampler = stepsampler.SliceSampler( nsteps=100, generate_direction=stepsampler.generate_region_oriented_direction, ) result = min_num_live_points=self.live_points, dlogz=self.target_evidence_unc, frac_remain=self.frac_remain, dKL=self.target_post_unc, Lepsilon=self.lepsilon, update_interval_volume_fraction=0.8 if self.npar > 20 else 0.2, max_num_improvement_loops=0, ) t2 = time.time() rank = 0 if run_parallel: comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD rank = comm.Get_rank() if rank == 0: log.console.log(f"Time : {((t2 - t1) / 60.0):.3f} minutes") log.console.log(f"Number of samples: {result['samples'].shape[0]}") if self.store_raw:"Ultranest plots being produced...") sampler.plot()"Ultranest plots produced in {log_dir}") table = Table( style=Style(color="white"), title_style="bold cyan", title=None ) table.add_column("Parameter", style="bold red", no_wrap=True) table.add_column("Best value") table.add_column("Error") for par, col in zip(self.free_parameters.index, result["samples"].T): table.add_row(f"{par}", f"{col.mean():.3f}", f"{col.std():.3f}") log.console.print(table)
[docs] def save(self, result): """Save |NS| replicas to json inside a dictionary: {coff: [replicas values]}. Saving also some basic information about the fit. Parameters ---------- result : dict result dictionary """ posterior_samples = {} for c in posterior_samples[c] = [] for sample in result["samples"]: self.coefficients.set_free_parameters(sample) self.coefficients.set_constraints() for c in posterior_samples[c].append(self.coefficients[c].value) if self.pairwise_fits: fit_results_file = ( self.results_path / f"fit_results_{[0]}_{[1]}.json" ) else: fit_results_file = self.results_path / "fit_results.json" # self.dump_posterior(posterior_file, values) # Writing the fit summary results logz = result["logz"] max_loglikelihood = result["maximum_likelihood"]["logl"] # get the best fit point, including the constrained coefficients self.coefficients.set_free_parameters(result["maximum_likelihood"]["point"]) self.coefficients.set_constraints() best_fit_point = dict(zip(, self.coefficients.value)) fit_result = { "samples": posterior_samples, "logz": logz, "max_loglikelihood": max_loglikelihood, "best_fit_point": best_fit_point, "free_parameters": self.coefficients.free_parameters.index.tolist(), } self.dump_fit_result(fit_results_file, fit_result)