Source code for smefit.fit_manager

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import json
import pickle

import jax.numpy as jnp
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import yaml
from rich.progress import track

from .coefficients import CoefficientManager
from .compute_theory import make_predictions
from .loader import load_datasets

[docs] class FitManager: """ Class to collect all the fit information, load the results, compute best theory predictions. Attributes ---------- path: pathlib.Path path to fit location name: srt fit name label: str, optional fit label if any otherwise guess it from the name config: dict configuration dictionary has_posterior: bool True if the fi contains the full posterrio distribution, False if only cl bounds are stored (external fits for benchmark) results: pandas.DataFrame fit results, they need to be loaded by `load_results` Parameters ---------- path: pathlib.Path path to fit location name: srt fit name label: str, optional fit label if any otherwise guess it from the name """ def __init__(self, path, name, label=None): self.path = path = name self.label = ( r"${\rm %s}$" % name.replace("_", r"\ ") if label is None else label ) # load the configuration file self.config = self.load_configuration() self.has_posterior = self.config.get("has_posterior", True) self.results = None self.datasets = None self.rgemat = None def __repr__(self): return def __eq__(self, comapre_name): return == comapre_name
[docs] def load_results(self): """ Load posterior distribution of a fit. If the fit is produced by and external source it loads the results. Results are stored in a class attribute """ file = "results" if self.has_posterior: file = "fit_results" with open(f"{self.path}/{}/{file}.json", encoding="utf-8") as f: results = json.load(f) # load the rge matrix in the result dir if it exists try: with open(f"{self.path}/{}/rge_matrix.pkl", "rb") as f: rgemats = pickle.load(f) self.operators_to_keep = {op: {} for op in rgemats[0].index} self.rgemat = jnp.stack([rgemat.values for rgemat in rgemats]) except FileNotFoundError: print("No RGE matrix found in the result folder, skipping...") # if the posterior is from single parameter fits # then each distribution might have a different number of samples is_single_param = results.get("single_parameter_fits", False) if is_single_param: del results["single_parameter_fits"] num_samples = [] for key in results["samples"].keys(): num_samples.append(len(results["samples"][key])) num_samples_min = min(num_samples) for key in results["samples"].keys(): results["samples"][key] = np.random.choice( results["samples"][key], num_samples_min, replace=False ) # TODO: support pariwise posteriors # Be sure columns are sorted, otherwise can't compute theory... results["samples"] = pd.DataFrame(results["samples"]).sort_index(axis=1) results["best_fit_point"] = pd.DataFrame( [results["best_fit_point"]] ).sort_index(axis=1) self.results = results
[docs] def load_configuration(self): """Load configuration yaml card. Returns ------- dict configuration card """ with open(f"{self.path}/{}/{}.yaml", encoding="utf-8") as f: config = yaml.safe_load(f) return config
[docs] def load_datasets(self): """Load all datasets.""" self.datasets = load_datasets( self.config["data_path"], self.config["datasets"], self.config["coefficients"] if self.rgemat is None else self.operators_to_keep, self.config["use_quad"], self.config["use_theory_covmat"], False, # t0 is not used here because in the report we look at the experimental chi2 self.config.get("use_multiplicative_prescription", False), self.config.get("default_order", "LO"), self.config.get("theory_path", None), self.config.get("rot_to_fit_basis", None), self.config.get("uv_couplings", False), self.config.get("external_chi2", False), rgemat=self.rgemat, )
@property def smeft_predictions(self): """Compute |SMEFT| predictions for each replica. Returns ------- np.ndarray: |SMEFT| predictions for each replica """ smeft = [] for rep in track( range(self.n_replica), description=f"[green]Computing SMEFT predictions for each replica of {}...", ): smeft.append( make_predictions( self.datasets, self.results["samples"].iloc[rep, :], self.config["use_quad"], self.config.get("use_multiplicative_prescription", False), ) ) return np.array(smeft) @property def smeft_predictions_best_fit(self): """Compute |SMEFT| predictions for the best fit point. Returns ------- np.ndarray: |SMEFT| predictions for the best fit """ predictions = make_predictions( self.datasets, self.results["best_fit_point"].iloc[0, :], self.config["use_quad"], self.config.get("use_multiplicative_prescription", False), ) # Add a dimension to match the shape of the replica predictions return np.array([predictions]) @property def coefficients(self): """coefficient manager""" return CoefficientManager.from_dict(self.config["coefficients"]) @property def n_replica(self): """Number of replicas""" return self.results["samples"].shape[0]