Source code for smefit.analyze.fisher

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.patches as mpatches
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from matplotlib import colors
from matplotlib.legend_handler import HandlerPatch
from matplotlib.patches import Polygon
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable
from rich.progress import track

from .latex_tools import latex_packages
from .pca import impose_constrain

[docs] class HandlerTriangle(HandlerPatch):
[docs] def create_artists( self, legend, orig_handle, xdescent, ydescent, width, height, fontsize, trans ): center = (width / 2 - xdescent, height / 2 - ydescent) size = min(width, height) / 2 # Define the lower-left triangle vertices if orig_handle.xy[0, 0] < orig_handle.xy[1, 0]: vertices = [ (center[0] - size, center[1] - size), # Bottom-left (center[0] + size, center[1] - size), # Bottom-right (center[0] - size, center[1] + size), # Top-left ] else: # (upper-right) vertices = [ (center[0] + size, center[1] + size), # Top-right (center[0] - size, center[1] + size), # Top-left (center[0] + size, center[1] - size), # Bottom-right ] p = mpatches.Polygon( vertices, closed=True, facecolor=orig_handle.get_facecolor(), edgecolor=orig_handle.get_edgecolor(), ) p.set_transform(trans) return [p]
[docs] class FisherCalculator: """Computes and writes the Fisher information table, and plots heat map. Linear Fisher information depends only on the theoretical corrections, while quadratic information requires fit results. Parameter constraints are also taken into account. Only fitted degrees of freedom are shown in the tables. Parameters ---------- coefficients: smefit.coefficients.CoefficienManager coefficient manager datasets: smefit.loader.DataTuple DataTuple object with all the data information """ def __init__(self, coefficients, datasets, compute_quad): self.coefficients = coefficients self.free_parameters = self.coefficients.free_parameters.index self.datasets = datasets # update eft corrections with the constraints if compute_quad: ( self.new_LinearCorrections, self.new_QuadraticCorrections, ) = impose_constrain(self.datasets, self.coefficients, update_quad=True) else: self.new_LinearCorrections = impose_constrain( self.datasets, self.coefficients ) self.lin_fisher = None self.quad_fisher = None self.summary_table = None self.summary_HOtable = None
[docs] def compute_linear(self): """Compute linear Fisher information.""" fisher_tab = [] cnt = 0 for ndat in self.datasets.NdataExp: idxs = slice(cnt, cnt + ndat) sigma = self.new_LinearCorrections[:, idxs] fisher_row = np.diag(sigma @ self.datasets.InvCovMat[idxs, idxs] @ sigma.T) fisher_tab.append(fisher_row) cnt += ndat self.lin_fisher = pd.DataFrame( fisher_tab, index=self.datasets.ExpNames, columns=self.free_parameters )
[docs] def compute_quadratic(self, posterior_df, smeft_predictions): """Compute quadratic Fisher information.""" quad_fisher = [] # compute some average values over the replicas # delta exp - th (n_dat) delta_th = self.datasets.Commondata - np.mean(smeft_predictions, axis=0) # c, c**2 mean (n_free_op) posterior_df = posterior_df[self.free_parameters] c_mean = np.mean(posterior_df.values, axis=0) c2_mean = np.mean(posterior_df.values**2, axis=0) # squared quad corr diag_corr = np.diagonal(self.new_QuadraticCorrections, axis1=0, axis2=1) off_diag_corr = self.new_QuadraticCorrections diag_index = np.diag_indices(self.free_parameters.size) off_diag_corr[diag_index[0], diag_index[1], :] = 0 # additional tensors tmp = np.einsum("ri,ijk->rjk", posterior_df, off_diag_corr, optimize="optimal") A_all = np.mean(tmp, axis=0) # (n_free_op, n_dat) B_all = ( np.einsum("rj,rjk->jk", posterior_df, tmp, optimize="optimal") / posterior_df.shape[0] ) # (n_free_op, n_dat) D_all = ( np.einsum("rjk,rjl->jkl", tmp, tmp, optimize="optimal") / posterior_df.shape[0] ) # (n_free_op, n_dat, n_dat) cnt = 0 for ndat in track( self.datasets.NdataExp, description="[green]Computing quadratic Fisher information per dataset...", ): # slice the big matrices idxs = slice(cnt, cnt + ndat) quad_corr = diag_corr[idxs, :].T lin_corr = self.new_LinearCorrections[:, idxs] inv_corr = self.datasets.InvCovMat[idxs, idxs] delta = delta_th[idxs] A = A_all[:, idxs] B = B_all[:, idxs] D = D_all[:, idxs, idxs] # (n_free_op) fisher_row = ( -quad_corr @ inv_corr @ delta.T - delta @ inv_corr @ quad_corr.T + lin_corr @ inv_corr @ A.T + A @ inv_corr @ lin_corr.T + 2 * c_mean
[docs] @ ( lin_corr @ inv_corr @ quad_corr.T + quad_corr @ inv_corr @ lin_corr.T ) + 2 * (B @ inv_corr @ quad_corr.T + quad_corr @ inv_corr @ B.T) + 4 * c2_mean @ quad_corr @ inv_corr @ quad_corr.T + np.einsum("ikl,kl -> i", D, inv_corr, optimize="optimal") ) quad_fisher.append(np.diag(fisher_row)) cnt += ndat self.quad_fisher = pd.DataFrame( quad_fisher + self.lin_fisher.values, index=self.datasets.ExpNames, columns=self.free_parameters, )
@staticmethod def normalize(table, norm, log): """ Normalize a Pandas DataFrame Parameters ---------- table: pandas.DataFrame table to normalize norm: "data", "coeff" if "data" it normalize by columns, if "coeff" by rows log: bool presents the log of the Fisher if True Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame normalized table """ if table is None or table.empty: return None if norm == "data": axis_sum, axis_div = 1, 0 elif norm == "coeff": axis_sum, axis_div = 0, 1 else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid norm value: {norm}. Must be 'data' or 'coeff'.") table = table.div(table.sum(axis=axis_sum), axis=axis_div) * 100 if log: table = np.log(table[table > 0.0]) return table.replace(np.nan, 0.0)
[docs] def groupby_data(self, table, data_groups, norm, log): """Merge fisher per data group.""" summary_table = pd.merge( data_groups.reset_index(), table, left_on="level_1", right_index=True ) summary_table = summary_table.groupby("level_0").sum(numeric_only=True) = "data_group" return self.normalize(summary_table, norm, log)
[docs] def write_grouped(self, coeff_config, data_groups, summary_only): """Write Fisher information tables in latex, both for grouped data and for summary. Parameters ---------- coeff_config: dict coefficient dictionary per group with latex names data_groups: dict dictionary with datasets per group and relative links summary_only: bool if True only the summary Fisher table fro grouped data is written Returns ------- list(str) list of the latex commands """ L = latex_packages() L.extend( [ r"\begin{document}", r"\begin{landscape}", ] ) # fisher tables per data_group if not summary_only: for data_group, data_dict in data_groups.groupby(level=0): temp_table = self.lin_fisher.loc[data_dict.index.get_level_values(1)] temp_HOtable = None if self.quad_fisher is not None: temp_HOtable = self.quad_fisher.loc[ data_dict.index.get_level_values(1) ] L.extend( self._write( temp_table, temp_HOtable, coeff_config, data_dict.droplevel(0), data_group, ) ) L.extend( self._write( self.summary_table, self.summary_HOtable, coeff_config, ) ) L.append(r"\end{landscape}") return L
def _write( self, lin_fisher, quad_fisher, coeff_config, data_dict=None, data_group=None ): """Write Fisher information table in latex. Parameters ---------- lin_fisher: pandas.DataFrame linear Fisher information table quad_fisher: pandas.DataFrame, None quadratic Fisher information table, None if linear only coeff_config: dict coefficient dictionary per group with latex names data_dict: dict, optional dictionary with datasets and relative links data_group: str, optional data group name Returns ------- list(str) list of the latex commands """ def color(value, thr_val=10): if value > thr_val: return ("blue", value) return ("black", value) L = [ r"\begin{table}[H]", r"\scriptsize", r"\centering", r"\begin{tabular}{|c|c|" + "c|" * lin_fisher.shape[0] + "}", r"\hline", f"\\multicolumn{{2}}{{|c|}}{{}} \ & \\multicolumn{{{lin_fisher.shape[0]}}}{{c|}}{{Processes}} \\\\ \\hline", ] temp = " Class & Coefficient " if data_dict is None: for dataset in lin_fisher.index: temp += f"& {{\\rm {dataset} }}" else: for dataset, link in data_dict.items(): temp += f"& \\href{{{link}}}{{${{\rm {dataset}}}$}}".replace("_", r"\_") temp += r"\\ \hline" L.append(temp) # loop on coeffs for coeff_group, coeff_dict in coeff_config.groupby(level=0): coeff_dict = coeff_dict.droplevel(0) L.append(f"\\multirow{{{coeff_dict.shape[0]}}}{{*}}{{{coeff_group}}}") for coeff, latex_name in coeff_dict.items(): idx = np.where(coeff == self.free_parameters)[0][0] temp = f" & {latex_name}" # loop on columns for idj, fisher_col in enumerate(lin_fisher.values): temp += r" & \textcolor{%s}{%.2f}" % color(fisher_col[idx]) if quad_fisher is not None: temp += r"(\textcolor{%s}{%0.2f})" % color( quad_fisher.iloc[idj, idx] ) temp += ( r"\\ \hline" if coeff == [*coeff_dict.keys()][-1] else f"\\\\ \\cline{{2-{(2 + lin_fisher.shape[0])}}}" ) L.append(temp) caption = ( "Fisher information" if data_group is None else f"Fisher information in {data_group} datasets" ) L.extend( [ r"\end{tabular}", f"\\caption{{{caption}}}", r"\end{table}", ] ) return L
[docs] @staticmethod def unify_fishers(df, df_other): if df_other is None or df is None: return None # Get the union of row and column indices all_rows = df.index.union(df_other.index) all_columns = df.columns.union(df_other.columns) # Reindex both DataFrames to have the same rows and columns df = df.reindex(index=all_rows, columns=all_columns, fill_value=0) df_other = df_other.reindex(index=all_rows, columns=all_columns, fill_value=0) return df, df_other
[docs] @staticmethod def set_ticks(ax, yticks, xticks, latex_names, x_labels): ax.set_yticks(yticks, labels=latex_names[::-1], fontsize=15) ax.set_xticks( xticks, labels=x_labels, rotation=90, fontsize=15, ) ax.xaxis.set_ticks_position("top") ax.tick_params(which="major", top=False, bottom=False, left=False) ax.set_xticks(xticks - 0.5, minor=True) ax.set_yticks(yticks - 0.5, minor=True) ax.tick_params(which="minor", bottom=False) ax.grid(visible=True, which="minor", alpha=0.2)
[docs] @staticmethod def plot_values(ax, dfs, cmap, norm, labels=None): """ Plot the values of the Fisher information. Parameters ---------- ax: matplotlib.axes.Axes axes object dfs: list list of pandas.DataFrame cmap: matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap colour map norm: matplotlib.colors.BoundaryNorm normalisation of colorbar labels: list, optional label elements for legend """ df_1 = dfs[0] df_2 = dfs[1] if len(dfs) > 1 else None cols, rows = df_1.shape # Initialize the delta shift for text positioning delta_shift = 0 for i, row in enumerate(df_1.values.T): for j, elem_1 in enumerate(row): # start filling from the top left corner x, y = j, rows - 1 - i ec_1 = "black" # if two fishers must be plotted together if df_2 is not None: elem_2 = df_2.values.T[i, j] # move position numbers delta_shift = 0.2 # highlight operators that exist in one but not the other ec_1 = "C1" if elem_2 == 0 and elem_1 > 0 else "black" if elem_2 > 0: ax.text( x + delta_shift, y + delta_shift, f"{elem_2:.1f}", va="center", ha="center", fontsize=10, ) # Create a triangle patch for the second element triangle2 = Polygon( [ [x + 0.5, y - 0.5], [x + 0.5, y + 0.5], [x - 0.5, y + 0.5], ], closed=True, facecolor=cmap(norm(elem_2)), edgecolor="black", ) ax.add_patch(triangle2) if elem_1 > 0: ax.text( x - delta_shift, y - delta_shift, f"{elem_1:.1f}", va="center", ha="center", fontsize=10, ) if df_2 is not None: # Create a triangle patch for the first element triangle1 = Polygon( [ [x - 0.5, y - 0.5], [x + 0.5, y - 0.5], [x - 0.5, y + 0.5], ], closed=True, facecolor=cmap(norm(elem_1)), edgecolor=ec_1, ) ax.add_patch(triangle1) # Create legend elements for the patches legend_elements = [ mpatches.Polygon( [[-0.5, -0.5], [0.5, -0.5], [-0.5, 0.5]], closed=True, fc="none", edgecolor="black", label=labels[0], ), mpatches.Polygon( [[0.5, -0.5], [0.5, 0.5], [0.5, 0.5]], closed=True, fc="none", edgecolor="black", label=labels[1], ), ] # Add the legend to the plot ax.legend( handles=legend_elements, loc="upper center", fontsize=25, frameon=False, ncol=2, handler_map={mpatches.Polygon: HandlerTriangle()}, bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, -0.02), ) else: # Create a rectangle patch for the first element rectangle = Polygon( [ [x - 0.5, y - 0.5], [x + 0.5, y - 0.5], [x + 0.5, y + 0.5], [x - 0.5, y + 0.5], ], closed=True, ec="grey", color=cmap(norm(elem_1)), ) ax.add_patch(rectangle) # Set the x and y limits of the plot ax.set_xlim(0, cols - 0.5) ax.set_ylim(0, rows - 0.5) # Set the aspect ratio of the plot to be equal ax.set_aspect("equal", adjustable="box")
[docs] def plot_heatmap( self, latex_names, fig_name, title=None, other=None, summary_only=True, figsize=(11, 15), labels=None, column_names=None, ): fisher_df = self.summary_table if summary_only else self.lin_fisher quad_fisher_df = self.summary_HOtable if summary_only else self.quad_fisher if other is not None: fisher_df_other = other.summary_table if summary_only else other.lin_fisher quad_fisher_df_other = ( other.summary_HOtable if summary_only else other.quad_fisher ) # unify the fisher tables and fill missing values by zeros fisher_dfs = self.unify_fishers(fisher_df, fisher_df_other) # reshuffle the tables according to the latex names ordering fisher_dfs = [ fisher[latex_names.index.get_level_values(level=1)] for fisher in fisher_dfs ] if quad_fisher_df is not None: quad_fisher_dfs = self.unify_fishers( quad_fisher_df, quad_fisher_df_other ) # reshuffle the tables according to the latex names ordering quad_fisher_dfs = [ fisher[latex_names.index.get_level_values(level=1)] for fisher in quad_fisher_dfs ] else: fisher_dfs = [fisher_df[latex_names.index.get_level_values(level=1)]] if quad_fisher_df is not None: quad_fisher_dfs = [ quad_fisher_df[latex_names.index.get_level_values(level=1)] ] # reshuffle column name ordering if column_names is not None: custom_ordering = [list(column.keys())[0] for column in column_names] fisher_dfs = [fisher_df.loc[custom_ordering] for fisher_df in fisher_dfs] x_labels = [list(column.values())[0] for column in column_names] else: x_labels = [ f"\\rm{{{name}}}".replace("_", "\\_") for name in fisher_df.index ] # colour map cmap_full = plt.get_cmap("Blues") cmap = colors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list( f"trunc({{{}}},{{0}},{{0.8}})", cmap_full(np.linspace(0, 0.8, 100)), ) norm = colors.BoundaryNorm(np.arange(110, step=10), cmap.N) fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) if quad_fisher_df is not None: ax = fig.add_subplot(121) else: ax = plt.gca() self.plot_values(ax, fisher_dfs, cmap, norm, labels) self.set_ticks( ax, np.arange(fisher_dfs[0].shape[1]), np.arange(fisher_dfs[0].shape[0]), latex_names, x_labels, ) ax.set_title(r"\rm Linear", fontsize=20, y=-0.08) cax1 = make_axes_locatable(ax).append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.5) colour_bar = fig.colorbar(, cmap=cmap), cax=cax1) if quad_fisher_df is not None: ax = fig.add_subplot(122) self.plot_values(ax, quad_fisher_dfs, cmap, norm, labels) self.set_ticks( ax, np.arange(quad_fisher_dfs[0].shape[1]), np.arange(quad_fisher_dfs[0].shape[0]), latex_names, x_labels, ) ax.set_title(r"\rm Quadratic", fontsize=20, y=-0.08) cax1 = make_axes_locatable(ax).append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.5) colour_bar = fig.colorbar(, cmap=cmap), cax=cax1 ) fig.subplots_adjust(top=0.9) colour_bar.set_label( r"${\rm Normalized\ Value}$", fontsize=25, labelpad=30, rotation=270, ) plt.suptitle(f"\\rm Fisher\\ information:\\ {title}", fontsize=25, y=0.98) plt.savefig(f"{fig_name}.pdf") plt.savefig(f"{fig_name}.png")