\(\chi^2\) table. Blue color text represents a value that is lower than the SM \(\chi^2\)  by more than one standard deviation of the \(\chi^2\) distribution. Similarly, red color text represents values that are higher than the SM \(\chi^2\) by more than one standard deviation. In parenthesis is the total SM \(\chi^2\) for the dataset included in the fit.

\(\chi^2\) table for 4H data
SM NS  NLO linear NS  LO linear
Process \(N_{\rm data}\) \(\chi^ 2/N_{\rm data}\) \(\chi^ 2/N_{data}\) \(\chi^ 2/N_{data}\)
CMS_ttbb_13TeV 1 4.959 1.260 2.047
CMS_ttbb_13TeV_2016 1 1.754 0.001 0.121
ATLAS_ttbb_13TeV_2016 1 0.906 2.524 1.734
CMS_tttt_13TeV 1 0.055 0.001 0.018
CMS_tttt_13TeV_run2 1 0.051 0.687 1.142
ATLAS_tttt_13TeV_run2 1 2.352 1.080 0.710
Total 0.925 (1.679) 0.962 (1.679)
\(\chi^2\) table for AC data
SM NS  NLO linear NS  LO linear
Process \(N_{\rm data}\) \(\chi^ 2/N_{\rm data}\) \(\chi^ 2/N_{data}\) \(\chi^ 2/N_{data}\)
ATLAS_CMS_tt_AC_8TeV 6 0.861 0.800 0.883
ATLAS_tt_AC_13TeV 5 0.275 0.225 0.839
Total 0.539 (0.595) 0.863 (0.595)
\(\chi^2\) table for Hdiff data
SM NS  NLO linear NS  LO linear
Process \(N_{\rm data}\) \(\chi^ 2/N_{\rm data}\) \(\chi^ 2/N_{data}\) \(\chi^ 2/N_{data}\)
ATLAS_ggF_ZZ_13TeV 6 0.958 0.845 0.751
CMS_ggF_aa_13TeV 6 1.049 1.039 0.972
ATLAS_H_13TeV_2015_pTH 9 1.11 1.098 1.114
CMS_H_13TeV_2015_pTH 9 0.8 0.779 0.769
ATLAS_WH_Hbb_13TeV 2 0.1 0.041 0.042
ATLAS_ZH_Hbb_13TeV 3 0.496 0.429 0.353
Total 0.845 (0.883) 0.812 (0.883)
\(\chi^2\) table for HrunI data
SM NS  NLO linear NS  LO linear
Process \(N_{\rm data}\) \(\chi^ 2/N_{\rm data}\) \(\chi^ 2/N_{data}\) \(\chi^ 2/N_{data}\)
ATLAS_CMS_SSinc_RunI 22 0.859 0.857 0.922
Total 0.857 (0.859) 0.922 (0.859)
\(\chi^2\) table for HrunII data
SM NS  NLO linear NS  LO linear
Process \(N_{\rm data}\) \(\chi^ 2/N_{\rm data}\) \(\chi^ 2/N_{data}\) \(\chi^ 2/N_{data}\)
ATLAS_SSinc_RunII 16 0.542 0.549 0.521
CMS_SSinc_RunII 24 0.771 0.697 0.756
Total 0.638 (0.679) 0.662 (0.679)
\(\chi^2\) table for LEP data
SM NS  NLO linear NS  LO linear
Process \(N_{\rm data}\) \(\chi^ 2/N_{\rm data}\) \(\chi^ 2/N_{data}\) \(\chi^ 2/N_{data}\)
LEP_eeWW_182GeV 10 1.38 1.378 1.363
LEP_eeWW_189GeV 10 0.885 0.884 0.917
LEP_eeWW_198GeV 10 1.609 1.613 1.641
LEP_eeWW_206GeV 10 1.085 1.083 1.054
Total 1.239 (1.240) 1.244 (1.240)
\(\chi^2\) table for VV data
SM NS  NLO linear NS  LO linear
Process \(N_{\rm data}\) \(\chi^ 2/N_{\rm data}\) \(\chi^ 2/N_{data}\) \(\chi^ 2/N_{data}\)
ATLAS_WW_13TeV_2016_memu 13 1.651 1.647 1.538
ATLAS_WZ_13TeV_2016_mTWZ 6 0.861 0.818 1.064
CMS_WZ_13TeV_2016_pTZ 11 1.423 1.470 1.067
Total 1.416 (1.410) 1.271 (1.410)
\(\chi^2\) table for WhelF data
SM NS  NLO linear NS  LO linear
Process \(N_{\rm data}\) \(\chi^ 2/N_{\rm data}\) \(\chi^ 2/N_{data}\) \(\chi^ 2/N_{data}\)
ATLAS_WhelF_8TeV 3 1.967 1.278 1.335
CMS_WhelF_8TeV 3 0.296 0.662 0.615
Total 0.970 (1.131) 0.975 (1.131)
\(\chi^2\) table for t13 data
SM NS  NLO linear NS  LO linear
Process \(N_{\rm data}\) \(\chi^ 2/N_{\rm data}\) \(\chi^ 2/N_{data}\) \(\chi^ 2/N_{data}\)
CMS_t_tch_13TeV_inc 2 0.345 0.280 0.387
CMS_t_tch_13TeV_diff_Yt 4 0.476 0.524 0.501
CMS_t_tch_13TeV_2016_diff_Yt 5 0.58 0.594 0.586
ATLAS_t_tch_13TeV 2 0.011 0.050 0.031
Total 0.440 (0.424) 0.444 (0.424)
\(\chi^2\) table for t8 data
SM NS  NLO linear NS  LO linear
Process \(N_{\rm data}\) \(\chi^ 2/N_{\rm data}\) \(\chi^ 2/N_{data}\) \(\chi^ 2/N_{data}\)
CMS_t_tch_8TeV_inc 2 0.293 0.084 0.158
CMS_t_tch_8TeV_diff_Yt 6 0.11 0.257 0.193
CMS_t_sch_8TeV 1 1.265 1.499 1.062
ATLAS_t_tch_8TeV 4 0.89 0.546 0.583
ATLAS_t_sch_8TeV 1 0.085 0.023 0.474
Total 0.387 (0.440) 0.382 (0.440)
\(\chi^2\) table for tW data
SM NS  NLO linear NS  LO linear
Process \(N_{\rm data}\) \(\chi^ 2/N_{\rm data}\) \(\chi^ 2/N_{data}\) \(\chi^ 2/N_{data}\)
ATLAS_tW_8TeV_inc 1 0.026 0.020 0.072
ATLAS_tW_slep_8TeV_inc 1 0.134 0.255 0.084
CMS_tW_8TeV_inc 1 0.0 0.030 0.011
ATLAS_tW_13TeV_inc 1 0.549 0.739 0.458
CMS_tW_13TeV_inc 1 3.855 2.306 4.932
Total 0.670 (0.913) 1.111 (0.913)
\(\chi^2\) table for tZ data
SM NS  NLO linear NS  LO linear
Process \(N_{\rm data}\) \(\chi^ 2/N_{\rm data}\) \(\chi^ 2/N_{data}\) \(\chi^ 2/N_{data}\)
ATLAS_tZ_13TeV_inc 1 0.0 0.023 0.012
ATLAS_tZ_13TeV_run2_inc 1 0.048 0.020 0.002
CMS_tZ_13TeV_inc 1 0.678 0.443 0.616
CMS_tZ_13TeV_2016_inc 1 1.23 0.509 1.026
Total 0.249 (0.489) 0.414 (0.489)
\(\chi^2\) table for tt13 data
SM NS  NLO linear NS  LO linear
Process \(N_{\rm data}\) \(\chi^ 2/N_{\rm data}\) \(\chi^ 2/N_{data}\) \(\chi^ 2/N_{data}\)
CMS_tt_13TeV_ljets_2015_Mtt 8 0.939 0.666 0.791
CMS_tt_13TeV_dilep_2015_Mtt 6 1.299 1.320 1.321
CMS_tt_13TeV_ljets_2016_Mtt 10 1.992 1.564 1.738
CMS_tt_13TeV_dilep_2016_Mtt 7 2.282 1.817 2.002
ATLAS_tt_13TeV_ljets_2016_Mtt 7 0.986 1.787 1.353
Total 1.424 (1.529) 1.450 (1.529)
\(\chi^2\) table for tt8 data
SM NS  NLO linear NS  LO linear
Process \(N_{\rm data}\) \(\chi^ 2/N_{\rm data}\) \(\chi^ 2/N_{data}\) \(\chi^ 2/N_{data}\)
ATLAS_tt_8TeV_ljets_Mtt 7 2.953 3.009 2.808
ATLAS_tt_8TeV_dilep_Mtt 6 0.086 0.085 0.092
CMS_tt_8TeV_ljets_Ytt 10 0.906 0.987 1.000
CMS_tt2D_8TeV_dilep_MttYtt 16 1.628 1.141 1.258
Total 1.274 (1.443) 1.291 (1.443)
\(\chi^2\) table for ttW data
SM NS  NLO linear NS  LO linear
Process \(N_{\rm data}\) \(\chi^ 2/N_{\rm data}\) \(\chi^ 2/N_{data}\) \(\chi^ 2/N_{data}\)
ATLAS_ttW_8TeV 1 1.334 0.582 0.032
ATLAS_ttW_13TeV 1 0.828 0.600 0.331
ATLAS_ttW_13TeV_2016 1 0.225 0.064 0.832
CMS_ttW_8TeV 1 1.781 0.912 0.247
CMS_ttW_13TeV 1 0.028 0.402 0.025
Total 0.512 (0.839) 0.293 (0.839)
\(\chi^2\) table for ttZ data
SM NS  NLO linear NS  LO linear
Process \(N_{\rm data}\) \(\chi^ 2/N_{\rm data}\) \(\chi^ 2/N_{data}\) \(\chi^ 2/N_{data}\)
ATLAS_ttZ_8TeV 1 1.314 0.764 1.641
ATLAS_ttZ_13TeV 1 0.007 0.112 0.065
ATLAS_ttZ_13TeV_2016 1 0.001 0.320 0.140
CMS_ttZ_8TeV 1 0.042 0.208 0.006
CMS_ttZ_13TeV 1 1.011 0.216 0.406
CMS_ttZ_13TeV_pTZ 4 0.732 0.641 0.195
Total 0.465 (0.589) 0.338 (0.589)
\(\chi^2\) table for grouped data. In parenthesis is the total SM \(\chi^2\) for the dataset included in the fit. The SM column refers to all the datasets available in the group
NS  NLO linear NS  LO linear
Process \(N_{\rm data}\) \(\chi^2/N_{\rm data}\) \(N_{\rm data}\) \(\chi^2/N_{\rm data}\)
tt8 39.0 1.274 (1.443) 39.0 1.291 (1.443)
tt13 38.0 1.424 (1.529) 38.0 1.450 (1.529)
WhelF 6.0 0.970 (1.131) 6.0 0.975 (1.131)
AC 11.0 0.539 (0.595) 11.0 0.863 (0.595)
4H 6.0 0.925 (1.679) 6.0 0.962 (1.679)
ttZ 9.0 0.465 (0.589) 9.0 0.338 (0.589)
ttW 5.0 0.512 (0.839) 5.0 0.293 (0.839)
t8 14.0 0.387 (0.440) 14.0 0.382 (0.440)
t13 13.0 0.440 (0.424) 13.0 0.444 (0.424)
tW 5.0 0.670 (0.913) 5.0 1.111 (0.913)
tZ 4.0 0.249 (0.489) 4.0 0.414 (0.489)
HrunI 22.0 0.857 (0.859) 22.0 0.922 (0.859)
HrunII 40.0 0.638 (0.679) 40.0 0.662 (0.679)
Hdiff 35.0 0.845 (0.883) 35.0 0.812 (0.883)
VV 30.0 1.416 (1.410) 30.0 1.271 (1.410)
LEP 40.0 1.239 (1.240) 40.0 1.244 (1.240)
Total 317.0 0.976 (1.055) 317.0 0.986 (1.055)