Training models in parallel =========================== *Please note the following steps are specific when working on the Nikhef Stoomboot computing cluster, running CentOS 7 Linux distribution as of writing this. Other setups may require an alternate script configuration.* Training models on different replicas can be done in parallel, for example on a computing cluster. EELSFitter supports parallel training provided the user specifies some parameters. These are the number of batch jobs ``n_batches`` that are sent to the cluster (same value for all batches), the number of replicas ``n_replica`` that are trained per batch (same value for all batches), and an index corresponding to a particular batch ``n_batch_of_replica`` (different value for all batches). These can be for example be passed by command line to the script. If you are running the code on your own machine on a single core ``n_batches=1`` and ``n_batch_of_replica=1``. An example setup for submitting code to a cluster is shown below. First a bash script executes commands to submit tasks to a job scheduler. .. code-block:: bash #!/bin/bash pbs_file=/path/to/pbs_file.pbs path_to_image="/path/to/dm4_file.dm4" path_to_models="/path/to/output of models/" n_batches=100 for n_batch_of_replica in `seq 1 $n_batches`; do ARG=$path_image,ARG2=$path_models,ARG3=$n_batch_of_replica,ARG4=$n_batches $pbs_file done A .pbs file specifies where the Python installation is located such that the system can actually execute the code. .. code-block:: source /path/to/miniconda3/etc/profile.d/ conda activate python /path/to/ ${ARG} ${ARG2} ${ARG3} ${ARG4} Finally the Python file contains that which you want to execute. .. code-block:: python import sys import EELSFitter as ef path_to_image = sys.argv[1] path_to_models = sys.argv[2] n_batch_of_replica = int(sys.argv[3]) n_batches = int(sys.argv[4]) im = ef.SpectralImage.load_data(path_to_image) im.train_zlp_models(n_clusters=n_clusters, seed=seed, based_on=based_on, n_replica=n_replica, n_epochs=n_epochs, n_batch_of_replica=n_batch_of_replica, n_batches=n_batches, shift_de1=shift_dE1, shift_de2=shift_dE2, regularisation_constant=regularisation_constant, path_to_models=path_to_models, signal_type=signal_type)